Chapter 5

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Trinity smiled when Daniel presented her with roses. He was thoughtful and very sweet. She was getting to know him and loved what she was seeing.

"What?" she asked as he continued to stare intensely in her direction. "Do you realize how beautiful you are?" he asked in awe of her. Trinity laughed at his declaration. "Flattery will get you nowhere," she teased.

"Come take a walk with me," he beckoned taking her hands in his. Trinity really enjoyed the simple but intimate date near the ocean. Daniel eyes sparkled at the sight of Trinity the entire evening. As she slid her arms in his, their chemistry became electrifying and undeniable. Trinity was trying to do everything to stay steady and not giddy around him. Daniel was pulling out all the stops.

"Trinity Evans, tell me everything about yourself," he requested enthusiastically. "There is not much to tell," she began. "I beg to differ. I think there is so much to tell and you don't even realize it," Daniel stated. Next, to Elijah he was the first man who was fascinated with everything surrounding her life. "What do you want to know?" Trinity beamed.

The evening continued to mellow out with warm, honest and refreshing conversation. They both shared about everything including their views on family, children, goals, faith, beliefs and past relationships. Trinity had never met anyone like Daniel before. He was smooth, charismatic, handsome, sensitive, caring and supportive. The combination was mind blowing. She was really impressed and satisfied with this date in more ways than one. This was just their second date and she was anticipating many more in the future.

When he dropped her off at her home, he captured her eyes one more time with his intense stare. "Trinity....... I know we are just getting to know each other. I don't want to appear so eager or forward but I am dying to kiss you. I am asking your permission to kiss you," Daniel explained.

Trinity's heart melted at his request and immediately her feet felt like marsh mellows. She loved chivalry and his gentle nature. Without the words to say, she smiled and simply nodded at this request.

He kissed her gently and Trinity bit her bottom lip enjoying the moment. Trinity felt her heart opened up again.

Elijah sat in the sofa next to Hope and they watched a movie together. As he reached for the popcorn, their fingers met as they explored each other's fingers with touch. Elijah smiled at Hope and saw the twinkle in her eyes. Hope had stayed so committed to him without any promises. He felt so much care and devotion to her. But Isaiah words and his mother's advice burned at his self-conscience. Was it enough? Did they have a strong foundation that would last? He knew Hope deserved to be loved and cherished. He was convinced he could be this for her. He leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips holding her hands. Hope's heart melted and snuggled in his arms enjoying their evening together.

Trinity met up with several of her girlfriends later that day. Eden, Summer, Deborah and Sarah were her close friends next to Elijah. Eden was her colleague and friend from work, Summer was a friend from college, Deborah and Sarah were her friends from junior high and high school. In the last four years they all had formed a special group and became inseparable. As they ate, Deborah was the first one to break the ice. "How did things go with you and Daniel?" Deborah asked. Trinity watched her friends closely and smiled. Everyone was married except her and she knew they all were a bit too interested in her dating life. "It was great," she said giving little details. She knew this would dissatisfy them. She giggled looking at her friends faces knowing she would not get away without telling them all the details.

"Don't you dare leave us with nothing," Sarah teased. "He picked me up, we enjoyed a picnic near the ocean, a boat ride and a stroll on the beach," Trinity said. "We talked about our lives for hours," she shared.

"And.........," Eden said hoping there was more to this story. "He asked ............. for a kiss," Trinity hesitated knowing that her friends could be overly dramatic.

"Wow, oh," the girls chanted and cheered. "Daniel is scoring major points," Summer said. "Real smooth," Sarah chimed in.

"Too perfect," Eden stated folding her arms. "We know he is not Elijah," Sarah sighed. "Elijah is still my number one choice," Eden added.

Trinity was tired of Eden's obsession of seeing Elijah more than her best friend. "Elijah is dating Hope. They are getting pretty serious," she reminded her friends. "Only because you won't reciprocate feelings for him," Eden further indicated.

"Daniel may be a nice guy. We don't know enough about him. However, I was always team Elijah," Eden announced. Trinity sighed it was no use getting her point across to Eden.

"As long as you're happy," Summer added. "We simply want someone to love you the way you deserve to be loved," Deborah joined in.

"We support your decision. Who you decide to date is your choice," Sarah stated. "Eden," Trinity stated her name to get the needed support from her friend.

"I will always support you my friend," Eden confessed. "Thank you," Trinity smiled knowing Daniel had already captured her heart.

Elijah swallowed the gulp in his throat as he listened to his best friend describe her date with Daniel. He hated every detail because Trinity seemed so smitten by the guy.

"Here you are listening to me ramble on about my date. What is the latest with your relationship?" she asked. Elijah sat in the sofa for the first time motionless. He almost let out his true feelings in an act of frustration.

"Great," he managed to say. Trinity detected a lack of enthusiasm on his part and did not push the issue.

"How do you feel about a double date?" she asked trying to get him excited about it all. "That would be nice," he said not at all meaning it.

"Elijah, is something wrong?" Trinity asked searching his eyes. He felt guilty all of a sudden seeing her facial expression of deep concern. How could he tell her everything was wrong? He was in love with her, he was dating another woman out of loyalty and guilt and he did not trust Daniel.

"I'm okay," he said. However, he felt deep within as if he was losing her to this new relationship.

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