Chapter 11

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Trinity walked to the door like a zombie wondering what she was going to say next. Daniel greeted her as if nothing was wrong. He walked in with his charming smile and a bouquet of flowers. Elijah was completely annoyed and was about to speak. Trinity touched his hands indicating that she was going to handle it.

Reluctantly, he stepped back allowing her to deal with the situation. "Why are you here?" Trinity asked finding the strength to stand up for herself. "Baby, to see you, the love of my life, my future wife," Daniel said still oblivious as to what was going on.

"Don't you dare speak of me as your future wife when you already have a wife and daughter," Trinity pointed out angrily. Daniel was shock and at a loss of words. Trinity was never supposed to find out until he told her in his own time.

"Did he have something to do with this?" Daniel said pointing to Elijah. "I told you he has feelings for you and want me out the way," Daniel continued.

Elijah was happy that Trinity had silenced him because he had no idea how he would have responded to Daniel's assumption. It took him by surprise that people were noticing his feelings and reactions to Trinity when she never saw it.

"Elijah has nothing to do with your lies and deception. That is all you. Your wife Victoria Abela came and told me the truth," Trinity admitted.

Daniel was upset Victoria went to such extremes to interfere with his relationship with Trinity. He regained his composure and tried to do damage control.

"I never lied about how I felt about you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am officially divorced and want that life for us. Trinity we can still have that future together. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Don't give up on us," he started to walk towards her.

Trinity held up her hands as a defense mechanism warning him not to come any closer. "Daniel, are you hearing yourself? You lied to me over a year about who really are? You intentionally kept the truth from me that you were already married with a daughter. How could I believe you are capable of honesty?" Trinity asked him directly.

Daniel was annoyed that Elijah was present as he tried to get Trinity to see his reasoning. "Can we talk alone?" he asked wanting to talk to her in private. "No, you lost that right when you kept the truth from me. Elijah stays. What you have to say to me you can say it in front of him," she said sternly.

Elijah liked the stand Trinity took. He was afraid Trinity would give into Daniel's charms again. However, she was serious and he was relieved that she would not take Daniel back.

"Trinity my love for you will never be a lie. My marriage was doomed from day one. Victoria married into my family for money and not love. We were separated for three years. Meeting you was a breath of fresh air and it gave me hope that I could genuinely love someone and be happy. I had every intention about telling you the truth but I wanted to be completely free of Victoria. I was afraid you would not give me a chance if I told you I was going through a divorce. I was worried about this until you told me about your father walking out on your mother. It was a fragile topic I wanted to approach delicately. Trinity my marriage was fill with lies, affairs and unhappiness. My daughter was the only good thing that happened," Daniel confessed.

"We can be together. My family adores you. I want to be your husband. I want the life we talked about. Don't throw it away," Daniel begged trying to move towards her again.

"Daniel you should have told the truth and let our relationship develop naturally. You did not give me a chance to choose for myself. I cannot simply forget what you have done," Trinity stated clearly.

"Trinity, we love each other and we can work this out together. I was wrong with how I handled it all. Are you willing to throw away our relationship?" he said touching her hands.

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