Chapter 12

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Three months later

Elijah had made up his mind to tell Trinity how he felt about her the next time he saw her. Three months had passed and he was bursting with excitement to see her. They had no contact since she broke up with Daniel. They talked occasionally like she had promised but he was tired of not seeing her. He did not tell her that he broke up with Hope. He wanted her to concentrate on finding herself like she wanted. She had agreed to see him because she in a better place. He could not wait to let it all out when he saw the woman he had loved for a very long time.

Trinity was a bit nervous seeing Elijah. She was concerned and learned recently that he was not engaged anymore. He had kept it from her and she wondered what was going on with him. Most recently, she reflected upon what her mother, girlfriends and even Daniel had said. Everyone seemed to believe Elijah had feelings for her. She started to search within herself and wondered if she could return the feelings. Hope and Daniel were not in the picture. But now they were both single. Could she ever love her best friend beyond friendship?

It all made sense now over the years because his devotion always went beyond what she expected. He knew her so well. But she did not know if she was ready for another relationship. Daniel had tried to get her back for weeks and finally gave up about two months ago. She was happy finding herself and stunned that she finally recognized there was something always there when it came to Elijah. The feeling of nervousness and anticipation were all new to her when it came to seeing him.

The knock at the door took her out of her thoughts. Trinity stood and fixed her clothes. What was that? She asked herself. She never worried how she looked around Elijah. She felt it was strange of her to care about her appearance. Trinity brushed it off and opened the door.

"Hi," she smiled seeing him. He stood and gasped at the sight of her. she had cut her hair in that cute pixie style years ago that helped him recognize he was in love with her.

"Do you like it?" she asked him smiling at his stunned look of approval. "I love it," Elijah said admiring every inch of her face.

"Come in," she said moving to the side. Trinity took a deep breath inhaling his musk scent and admiring his casual look of jeans and Polo shirt. Why does he look so handsome? She thought. His intense stare and presence were giving her goosebumps.

"Can I get a hug? I have missed you so much," he said. "Of course," Trinity welcomed his embraced that lasted a little longer than she expected. His arms always brought her comfort and safety. She loved him for his devotion over the years.

Elijah was happy to have her in his arms. It was such a long time of not feeling her, seeing her and basking in the warmth of her hugs.

Trinity was the one who pulled away. They sat on her sofa as he held onto her hands. "How are things with you?" she asked him searching his eyes.

"I am fine Trinity especially now that I can see you," he said. Trinity felt his words hit her heart as if there was more behind it.

"How is Hope?" she asked cautiously. She did not want him to know just yet that she knew the truth. "She is fine," he said. Elijah was relieved because the last time he spoke to Hope after the breakup she was dating again and in a happier place.

"Elijah, please tell me the truth," Trinity demanded. "Hope and I are no longer together," he said.

Trinity touched his hands gently. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked.

"You were dealing with your own stuff. I did not want to burden you," he said.

"Elijah Bradshaw, we have known each other so long. You can never be a burden to me," Trinity stated.

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