Chapter 9

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Trinity arrived at work and continued to beam with hope and optimism when it came to life. It had been two weeks since her engagement. She had shared the news with her mother, best friend Elijah, her girlfriends Sarah, Eden, Summer and Deborah. She was elated that Daniel was preparing a trip for her to meet his family. The last two weeks they were inseparable. Elijah had wanted to see her urgently but she could not get the time to see him when Daniel was around. She decided to invite him over later to her house to see what was of such great emergency.

Daniel had returned back home to finalize documents for a client. She could not wait to start their future together. Trinity continued to daydream of her upcoming wedding. As she started to prepare a story for the newspaper, she heard a knock at the door. Beverly, the office assistant informed her that she had a visitor. Trinity was surprised because she had no appointments schedule for the day. Then, the name sent shock waves and a chill up her spine. "Ms. Victoria Abela," Beverly announced escorting her into Trinity's office.

Victoria Abela looked around Trinity's office with curiosity. Trinity's heart started beating rapidly wondering what this was all about. A text message came across her phone from Elijah saying he had to talk to her it was serious and it was about Daniel. "How can I help you ma'am?" she asked wondering what she was about to hear.

The woman looked at Trinity from head to toe. "You are lovely. He must really love you," she said. Trinity was afraid to ask who the pretty blonde woman was with piercing blue eyes that stared intensely at her.

"Who are you talking about?" Trinity struggled to say. "Don't act coy or innocent Ms. Evans. You have stolen my husband, Daniel Abela."

Trinity felt as if the wind was knocked out of her. Did she hear this woman correctly? "My daughter will be without a father because of you," she continued angrily.

Trinity backed next to the wall in shock. "I had no idea," she confessed extremely confused. Trinity was trying to comprehend all of this and wrap her mind around this information. Daniel had a wife and a daughter. Why did he propose to me? she asked herself. He of all people knew how she felt about marital affairs and a family being destroyed. How did Daniel make her the other woman?

"This is a shock to me," Trinity admitted pacing around her desk.

Victoria looked in Trinity's eyes and knew she was telling the truth. "Oh my God, you did not know about us," Victoria stated. She suddenly felt sorry for Trinity to be caught up in all of this.

"I am so sorry he lied to you. Daniel could charm the socks off any one," Victoria admitted taking a seat. Victoria felt sympathy towards Trinity. She remembered what it was like being caught up in relationship with Daniel.

Victoria saw the engagement ring realizing this relationship was far deeper than she expected. Victoria said, "He was wrong for not telling you the truth. We were separated for three years and married for eleven years. I tried everything to get him back for the sake of our daughter but it was too late according to him. I only learned about you recently. Now I see why he was so anxious to get our divorce over with." Victoria started to shed tears.

Trinity felt like she was in a terrible nightmare. This is what Elijah was trying to tell me she thought. He was so anxious to see me but I refused because Daniel was in town. He wanted to warn me about this, she thought.

"Victoria I am sorry. I did not know Daniel was married with a daughter. He never told me," Trinity was able to admit. "We both made mistakes in our marriage. It is not your fault. He moved on a long time ago but I wanted to try one more time," Victoria said.

"I see you are innocent. I truly apologize for approaching you like this," Victoria stood to leave. Trinity took off the engagement ring in disgust. "This was all a lie," she said started to feel tears roll down her cheeks. How could Daniel humiliate her like this?

"For what it is worth be careful when it comes to him. He will try to spin this. He is good at playing the victim. Don't be so naïve to his charms," Victoria instructed her. "I can't tell you what to do. I know what it is to be in love with him. Don't be fooled. I am walking away from this marriage. "Take care of yourself Trinity," Victoria said and left.

Trinity could feel her chest go up and down. She sat down before she was over taken with a panic attack. How could her world come crashing down in such an unexpected moment? She told Daniel about her father walking out and how it impacted her. How could he pretend and keep this all a secret for so long. With all the lies and deception, it was disheartening in every way. Did he ever planned to tell her any of this at all?

Eden came in as Victoria left. Beverly had alerted her about the strange visitor entering Trinity's office by the name of Victoria Abela. Eden was concerned when she learned about the women's name. She met Trinity crying. Eden ran next to her hugging her tightly. Eden sent a text to Elijah about the situation.

"Elijah, a woman was here to see Trinity. Victoria Abela claimed to be Daniel's wife. Trinity is not good. Please check in on her. She is going home."

Elijah's heart dropped reading the text message. This is what he wanted to save Trinity from. He tried to tell her for the past two weeks but she was so wrapped up into Daniel. Elijah never wanted her to learn about the betrayal like this. He headed to Trinity's house without hesitation.

Trinity sat in her sofa for a long time repeating the words in her head, "Daniel is married." This was devastating on every level for her. Trinity closed her eyes once again and cried profusely in pain. She continued to moan in distress as the tears trickled down and tore violently at her eyelids. The sobs echoed from her throat leaving her extremely overwhelmed with the news each time she replayed it over and over in her mind. It kept torturing her.

How could Daniel do this to her? She had no idea and was overcome with shock and anger. Time and time again she gave her heart to be trampled upon and shattered into pieces. She really thought she had a future with Daniel. This heartbreak was different. It tore at her inner core because she really thought she had found the one.

She went to her room and fell at the foot of her bed shaking sporadically at the heavy load. She felt used, tricked and purely taken advantage off. She was happy she remained steadfast in her values when it came to marriage. After being with Joseph, she vowed to wait until marriage for physical intimacy. It would have hurt even more if she had shared herself with Daniel. Trinity screamed out in agony tormented by it all. She could feel her heart hammering rapidly and aggressively near her rib cage.

"God, why does this keep happening to me?" she declared whaling in self-pity. All the men who entered her life took from her and drained her emotionally. However, this by far was her worst heartbreak. She never dreamed this man could claim to love her and lie to her for months.

No longer with tears to cry anymore and a sore throat, Trintiy sat in her bed shaking vigorously wiping her puffy and swollen eyes. She felt dazed and dizzy. She lied down in a fetal position in bed coming to terms with her new reality.

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