Chapter 13

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Six months later

Rachael Bradshaw and Hannah Pearson could not stop crying and gushing over how beautiful Trintiy looked. They were so happy their children had finally found each other and fallen in love. "Would you two stopped crying? You are going to make me all emotional too," Trinity requested taking both of their hands. "I need both of you to be strong," she smiled.

Trinity was stunning in a rhinestone dress trailing to the floor with her shoulders revealed slightly. Her hair was pinned up with lose curls along with a lovely head piece adding detail to her gorgeous face. The dressed hugged her figure. She was a knockout and simply breathtaking.

When Summer, Eden, Deborah and Sarah walked in they all gasped at the sight of their friend. "You are such a radiant bride," Summer stated. "Elijah won't know what hit him when he sees you," Eden added. "A princess," Deborah admired the details of the dress. "Simply gorgeous," Deborah smiled.

"Thank you all," Trinity started to cry. "No, don't ruin your makeup," Eden said fanning the tears away. "Are you ready to become Mrs. Elijah Bradshaw?" Summer asked. "Yes, I am," Trinity said with confidence.

She never imagined falling in love with Elijah would be so easy and natural. They moved slowly but her feelings began to match his early on. His love, thoughtfulness, kindness and authenticity made her fall head over heels in love with him. Their relationship blossomed and Elijah was sure he was ready to become her husband.

"We love you," Hannah said as they left the room. Trinity watched her bridesmaids also leave. Her heart started to beat quickly. This was it!

Isaiah grinned as he saw the look of anticipation on Elijah's face. "Relax bro. Your bride is coming. I am so happy for you," Isaiah said teasing his friend.

Elijah smiled and ignored his best man comments. He could not wait to see her. The last six months were amazing! They were made for each other and their friendship only made their relationship stronger. They were completely inseparable the last few months. Together they learned how to love and understand each other more and grew in their relationship with God.

"You have inspired me with your love story," Isaiah said enthusiastically. Elijah grinned, "Are wedding bells in your future?" "I guess they are," Isaiah confirmed. Elijah was happy to see his friend decide to settle down.

They both looked up and heard the music "I found you" by Ryann Darling. As the bridesmaid walked in Elijah started to looked on as his heart swelled with emotion. He was so grateful to be in this moment. Here he was about to marry the girl of dreams. He could not wait to shower his bride with the love she deserved.

Then he got emotional when his eyes settled on her. Her beauty took his breath away. Elijah started to shed tears as "Everything" by Brian McKnight played followed by Rotimi "I Do." When Trinity saw him looking so sharp in his tuxedo her heart melted and she too got emotional. They both kept their eyes focused on each other the entire time. There was not a dry eye in the room as the love they had for each other radiated across the room. When she arrived at the altar with her brother Paxton, he gladly took his bride's hand in his. "You look beautiful," he gasped. Trinity smiled, "You look handsome too." Trinity thanked God and finally understood now why her other relationships did not work out. Those men were not the right match for her. God was giving her the best when he gave her Elijah. All along he had heard her prayers and was leading her to Mr. Right.

"We are here to join Elijah Bradshaw and Trinity Evans in holy matrimony," the preacher began. "They have opted to go with their personal vows and traditional vows," the preacher continued.

Elijah began looking in her eyes with some tears that had trailed down his eyelids.

"Trinity Evans, I have loved you from the moment I saw your beautiful face in kindergarten. You stood up for me against childhood bullies and I never stopped loving you since that day. I saw the light and fire in you through out the years and my heart was always yours even before I realized it. Trinity you are my angel and my better half. I am honored to be your husband. Words are not enough to express my love for you. Your smile, laugh, beauty and heart captured mines from day one. I promise to honor. And take care of you as we grow old together. I thank God everyday for you and will never stop. Trinity Evans, I love you now and forever.

Trinity looked up teary eyed holding his hands and looking in his eyes.

Elijah Bradshaw you are my angel. It has always been you without me even realizing it. I never knew I could love someone with such passion and care. I love you with all my heart and I thank you for not giving up on our love. You are my better half. You are strong, persistent, loving and kind. You are considerate and supportive on every level. I am honored to become your wife to have and to hold you. I vow to honor you, obey you and love you as we grow old together. Elijah, I love you now and forever.

After the traditional vows were repeated the preacher declared, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. Elijah, you may kiss your bride."

Elijah drew closer to Trinity and kissed her passionately vowing to love her unconditionally.


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