Chapter 8

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Trinity hugged Elijah and congratulated him on his proposal to Hope. She was elated that he decided to make the relationship work. As he shared his good news, she examined his composure closely. He was not as happy as she hoped he would be and wondered if he really was content with his decision. Trinity wondered why it took him so long to commit to somebody. Now that he finally did, he still seemed distant. Trinity would support him no matter what because he had always remained a loyal friend for years.

Elijah looked at Trinity closely. He could tell when she was overly concerned about him. Her soft brown eyes searched his and held his in position. He hated being enamored by her but she had a special place in his heart. How would his marriage impact their relationship? He had more questions than answers and did not want to regret his decision. Elijah knew that his wife would have to come first. It sounded surreal but his life was not moving and he needed something else to look forward to instead of waiting for Trinity to see him other than a friend.

"Well," Trinity beamed wondering how she kept silent the entire time as Elijah shared his news. "I have some good news as well," she continued excitedly. "Surprise," she said revealing her left finger. "I'm engaged too," she announced. Elijah looked at the lovely diamond ring that must have caused a fortune. He swallowed taking it all in. Elijah had to admit Daniel had extravagant taste. He really wanted to be happy for Trinity but he still was not sure about Daniel even after all this time. Looking at her happiness made him a bit sad. Even her engagement still made him wondered if he would ever be over her.

"Wow," he finally said. "I was dumbfounded when I saw it too," she smiled.

"Do you love him?" Elijah asked. "Yes," she nodded. Elijah looked into her eyes. He could not feel his hands or legs in the moment. Everything felt numb and still. In that moment he realized even after he confessed his love for Hope it was not the love he felt for Trinity. He had to move on. He had no choice.

"Are you sure about this guy? You have known him for a year," he said cautiously not wanting to damper her mood. It was good to see her happy even if it was not with him.

Trinity gently touched his hands. "Elijah, I know what my heart is telling me."

"I am happy for you as long as you are sure," he managed to say. "Thank you," she rejoiced. They both hugged in the moment and it felt like an eternity.

Trinity's mom looked on in shocked at her daughter's announcement of an engagement. She wanted her daughter to find love for years. But she was holding on to hope that it would be with Elijah. How could she tell her daughter that this did not feel right.

"A little more enthusiasm would be nice," she teased her mother. "Of course," her mother said.

"I am happy for you. But are you positive about this?" she asked. Do you really know this man enough? Hannah asked holding on to hope.

"You sound like Elijah," Trinity sighed. "What does he have to say?" Hannah asked. "He wanted to know if, I was sure. I told him Mom, Daniel makes me happy," Trinity explained.

"Elijah also shared his great news as well. He got engaged to Hope. Isn't this all amazing?" Trinity asked enthusiastically. Hannah held her peace. God intervene, she prayed.

Rachael Bradshaw began to close her eyes and prayed. Elijah had just revealed he was engaged to Hope and Trinity was engaged to Daniel. She truly was rooting for her son and Trinity. She was concerned that these engagements would impact their destinies.

Elijah looked on as his mother remained quiet. He was amazed by her silence. "Do you have anything to say?" he urged her for her response.

"Honey what do you want me to say?" Rachael asked. "You know how I feel about you and Trinity," she continued.

Elijah gave his mother a hug. "Mom, you have to be welcoming to Hope," he encouraged. "I know you care for Hope but are you really in love with her? You might be mistaking love for loyalty. You need to evaluate this carefully," she said.

Rachael was not pleased but vowed to support her son. She prayed the truth of everyone's feelings be quickly revealed before they walked down the aisle.

Elijah returned to work after having a talk with his mother. Their conversation weighed heavily on his mind. Was he using Hope as a scapegoat for closure to a relationship that would never be? He closed his eyes and listened to his heart. Could he ever love someone the way he loved Trinity?

He returned to reality when the office assistant dropped off an envelope for him from Mack Anderson. A few weeks ago, he had hired a private detective to investigate Daniel Abela. He was tired of his suspicion of him and needed to know if he was honest with Trinity. Elijah looked inside and was shocked and bewildered to see the content inside. Spread across his desk were photos of Daniel with a wife and daughter. Elijah knew this would crush Trinity. She did not need another heartbreak. In this moment Elijah wanted to knock Daniel out for this deceptive betrayal. How could he tell this to Trinity? She needed to know the truth. But he did not know how to deliver the news. Elijah was tired of Trinity going through these relationships that left her heart broken.

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