Chapter 6

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Elijah sat across from the dinner table from Daniel Abela. Elijah was annoyed the entire time. They were celebrating Summer and Sean's McKenzie seventh wedding anniversary. Elijah had become great friends with several of Trinity friends over the past few years.

Everyone had brought their dates making the event festive, pleasant and exciting. Hope came with him and he was glad because it was one of their first public dates. He knew she was reading his every expression when it came to Trinity. Daniela Abela had the women all intrigued and captivated with his French words. He stared at Trinity pulling her completely in.

Elijah could not trust Daniel. There was something about him he could not put his finger upon. He was concerned that he did not know enough about Daniel. He was distracted for a brief moment by Hope who snuggled next to him. Elijah smiled as he held her close. Trinity saw the exchange between them both and smiled. She was happy to see her best friend with someone. In that moment she met his eyes and they both smiled and nodded their heads at each other.

Elijah wanted to be happy for her. Every guy in Trinity's life was never good for her. Firstly, Joseph McDonald took advantage of her in his opinion. Trinity was extremely vulnerable when her dad walked out. Joseph pressured her into having sex. Elijah was happy she did not agree to marry him because Joseph life revolved around his family business. Elijah knew exactly what she was going through and was there for her.

Joshua Martin did not offer anything to Trinity's life in Elijah's opinion. Elijah saw him as self-fish and entitled. He did not respect Trinity's celibacy and cheated on her. Elijah always felt he did not deserve her and took her for granted.

After Joshua she rarely dated and Elijah knew she could not take another heart break. Daniel Abela was opening her heart again and Elijah was praying he was wrong about his suspicions concerning him.

Elijah was deep in thought when everyone started moving towards the dance floor. Summer and Sean had had transformed their home for the event and added a beautiful dance floor. Elijah looked up and asked Hope, "Would you like to dance?" Hope nodded, "Yes." She beamed as he held her in his arms. Elijah eyes met Trinity who smiled at him. He looked on as Daniel held her close. Hope was wrapped up in Elijah's arm and did not notice he was preoccupied with Daniel and Trinity. It was unbearable to see them kiss sending a jab to his side.

Elijah pulled Hope a little closer. What was wrong with him? A beautiful woman was in his arms who was crazy about him. Why was he looking over at his best friend who was smitten by someone else? Elijah told himself Hope was his future. He would have to move on because he had no choice.

Trinity was on cloud nine the next few weeks as Daniel became an important element in her life. She had introduced him to her mother and friends. Daniel promised as soon as they got the opportunity, he would introduce her to his family back in Italy and New York. Trinity only hoped Daniel and Elijah would let their walls down and open up to each other.

"What is the deal with your friend Elijah?" Daniel blurted out as they sat on the sofa together one evening. "What do you mean?" Trinity asked puzzled. "He seems a bit too invested in you," Daniel confessed. Trinity laughed, "We are just friends."

"We have been friends from elementary school. He is just protective of me. I am protective of him as well," Trinity further confessed snuggling closer to Daniel.

"Maybe on your part but it seems he feels more for you than he lets on," Daniel confessed. "Are you jealous Daniel Abela?" Trinity teased. "No, just wise and cautious," Daniel pointed out. He pulled her into his arms for a warm embrace. "Do I have anything to worry about?" he asked.

"Of course not. I assure you we are simply friends and nothing more," Trintiy admitted. "Your heart only has room for me," Daniel pointed out.

"I know," Trinity teased. Daniel grinned and looked directly in her eyes.

"Trinity, I am falling in love with you," Daniel said holding on to her hands and kissing it gently. Trinity sighed as his eyes zeroed in on her lips. He kissed her gently making Trinity feel warm inside.

Trinity looked at him with excitement, "I am falling in love with you too."

Her words prompted another kiss leaving Trinity elated. 

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