Vol 3 Ch 2:

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This fanfiction is an unpublished piece of work authored by @Blickser and co-authored by me [Title: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's last exam] (but still I was the one who did most of work, but not on this chapter). He has no plans to return to this book, so he let me do whatever I want with it. As you can see, I decided to post this on my account as a continuation without already published chapters.

 If even this violates the wattpad rules, please let me know about it, because I have no idea.

All already published chapters (https://www.wattpad.com/story/306994831-ayanokoji-kiyotaka%27s-last-exam)

If this does not violate the wattpad rules, I could post the already published chapters here for simplicity.

Poisoning cannot be avoided, it can only be taken

An exceptionally exceptional writer

– Examination starts right now and will last exactly one week. It will end on August 7. This exam will determine if you can live on a desert island together as a group. Keep in mind that similar situations can happen in real life. Well, before the exam starts, I want to give you a couple of tips that will help you pass it.

– Wait, does this mean we're going to live on an island? Not on the ship? And will we have to do the housing ourselves?

Class C and Class B, who were standing next to Mashima-sensei, immediately started asking stupid questions. It seems to me that everything has already been clearly explained.

– Yes, it's just as you heard. You will not be able to board the ship without a valid reason. All household things, such as finding food or arranging a bed for the night, are your responsibility.

Clearing his throat a little, he stood up in the previous position so that everyone could hear.

– After the start of the exam, each class will be provided with two flashlights, two tents and one box of matches. In addition, you will be allowed to take an unlimited amount of sunscreen. Each student will be provided with one toothbrush. However, all hygiene products for girls will be available in unlimited quantities. For other questions, you can contact your homeroom teacher.

After these words, some guys started fussing. This was to be expected, because survival on a desert island is a thing that you can prepare for, but usually no one is ready for it.

– Do we really have to get food on our own?

– Are there only two tents for all of us?

– How are we supposed to survive at all?

Such exclamations surprised me extremely. They knew which school they were going to. So why do they have such an acute reaction?

Despite all the exclamations that the students uttered, Mashima-sensei stood as unshakeable as a Rock.

– I want to warn you that this island is not so easy to find. It belongs to the company that developed this exam. Everything you do on this island will stay that way.

– So how were we supposed to be ready for such an exam in the first place? We couldn't have prepared for it!

– I was just talking about this island. There are a lot of trainings in this world that can teach you how to survive on uninhabited islands. If you haven't heard of them, you probably just have a very mediocre life.

My respect for this teacher is growing and growing. I think it would be much more pleasant to work with him than with Chabashira-sensei.

– If you still don't understand what the meaning of this exam is... and you probably didn't, then let me explain it to you. You can doubt our teaching methods as much as you want, but those students who really think that way will simply not be able to properly realize their abilities in the future. All of you are still high school students. Simply put, you are nobody to society, and your uselessness is equally distributed among all of you. If after that you still doubt this way of learning, then it's just ridiculous. To run a corporation, you will need to climb to the very top. If you were a director of a higher-level company than I mentioned earlier, you might have the right to deny it. Although it is also true that there should be no basis in the world that seeks to deny the opinion of a minority.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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