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I understand that this book did not attract enough attention to tell me whether I broke any wattpad rules or not, so I decided to publish here all the chapters already published by Blickser. Let me remind you that I have his permission to do this, so this is almost entirely my fanfiction. If even this should not work, as it violates some wattpad rules, please contact me about this

So this is that part of the story, starting with the prologue

This day has come. The day this man allowed me to leave the White Room. The day when I will finally be able to see the world outside in almost its entirety.

It was with these thoughts in mind that I drove to my new high school.

Kodo Ikusei is a prestigious high school institution with the most modern facilities you can imagine. Almost every graduate goes to college, university or finds a job without any problems. According to this man, this school is my last exam before I can become a full-fledged masterpiece in his eyes, and after that, the ruler of Japan. But, to be honest, I was completely out of my mind right now, because I was looking forward to my next three years of relative freedom. Even very relative freedom, because I still had one condition in order to stay at this school without worries. Namely, never restrain your strength and give your best.

About two months ago, this man came up to me. His figure might have caused an unprepared individual to have an inner fear for his life, but I had nothing to fear. After all, when I met him, my survival rate up to this point was and still is the most 100%.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in what he had to say, but it probably wouldn't be too important to me. After all, every time his mouth opens in my presence, I can only hear something like: "Try harder, Kiyotaka."; "Use all your strength, Kiyotaka."; "Kill/Finish him/her off, Kiyotaka.". In general, nothing interesting.

- Kiyotaka, I want you to take your final exam. Judging by your current abilities, you would ideally pass any test related to physical or academic stress, but there is another very important aspect in the life of any modern person. This aspect is social life. But the White Room does not provide training in skills of this kind. So far, it does not provide. So you will learn this in your future school. The chairman of the school is an old acquaintance of mine, so you won't have any problems getting into it.

- Ok.

The day after this one-on-one conversation, I was taken to a place where I would never have been able to find myself before. The two of us were driven in a long black limousine to the walls of the largest and most influential educational institution in all of Japan.

We quickly passed a large gate made of natural stone. A light breeze with a slight salty taste blew right in my face. Is this what they call freedom? The people living here are really lucky in life. In that place, I couldn't even feel something as simple as a natural breeze.

Anyway, me and this person came here to meet with a certain chairman Sakayanagi, who, apparently, was one of the people running this amazing place. I could say that he really had a certain amount of his own power, since this man was not even able to enter the territory of this educational institution with his retinue of a bunch of bodyguards.

But even considering this fact, the two of us were still allowed through the gates of the school, where we followed one of the people working here. After a while, we came to what you might call the director's office. There was already a man waiting for us inside, whom you could call the chairman of this place.

This person and the chairman first had a private conversation with each other, after which they invited me to join their important conversation.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka: last examinationWhere stories live. Discover now