Chapter #2

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Sunny woke up inside a cage,startled she called out "Clay!?! Starflight!? Tsunami?! Glory???? Hello?" . She jumped up not noticing that she was on 2 legs and ran to the cage edge,grabbing the bars with her hands and shaking them. their was a blanket above her cage so she couldn't see much, she ran around the edges of the cage trying to look for an escape but found none, she sat down to find that her cage floor was covered in hay. "She's awake" said a voice coming from above the cage "luckly she stopped running about" she heard the sound of Claws banging on the cage roof "I could have dropped you! Then where would you be?" Said the dragon "she can't understand you! So don't waste your time" said another dragon. "What does he mean "she can't understand you"?" "I can understand you! What are you talking about!?" She shouted in the direction she thought the dragons were in "this one sounds angry" said the second dragon "where'd you find her again?". "She was asleep in the forest."said the first dragon "she's smaller than the adult ones so she can't be as strong i figured." Sunny was extremely confused. "Well hold on scavenger were going down!" Said the first dragon. "Scavenger?" Thought sunny who was even more confused now. Suddenly the cage lurched forward,sunny grabbed the front bars of the cage and held on as they went down,when they got to the ground the blanket was removed to reveal blinding sunlight. A large group of skywings that looked about her age but maybe a bit older were gathered around. "This is the sky kingdom so peril must be here! She'll help me right!?" Sunny looked around expectantly but only found a mirror. she jumped back in shock, the skywings conversation made sense now, what she saw in the mirror was a scavenger, her hair was bright yellow like the sun it was in two pigtails, she had huge green eyes and wore a yellow dress, she looked like a young scavenger to. She stared into the mirror and then turned around to the dragons in front of her one dragon reached in and sunny backed to the very back of the cage, he touched her hair and jumped back. Sunny was shocked. was she a pet?

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