Chapter #10

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Peril woke in a cage "is this going to happen alot?" She wondered, standing up. She looked around but it was too dark to see. She felt the sides of her cage to find that she was in some sort of ball. She had begun to look for escape when two yellow eyes appeared. Peril jumped back "hello?" She called to the mysterious dragon. "Hello peril" said the dragon in a voice that peril recognized immediately "scarlet" she thought. Scarlet breathed a flame, illuminating her half melted face and casting shadows across the room. " peril peril peril" scarlet said menacingly  "I've wanted to talk to you for a long  time now."she paused "you left me on the claws of cloud mountain to die". "I thought you were already dead!" Peril protested. "I was found by burn and you know what happened? I was put in her little weirdling tower in chains. Where were you then huh?". "I rescued you at least!" Peril said. "Sure you did. But only after months of waiting! All because of your stupid crush "clay dosent want me to hurt people, clay this,clay that,clay clay clay clay!"" Scarlet said mockingly. "You raised me on lies and he saved me!" Peril said with rage. "He  saved you? I saved you! You grew up a sky wing instead of in a cave with your worthless mother! I saved you! Not cave boy!" Scarlet said fuming. "No you listen!-" peril started to say but was interrupted by the loud sound of claws pounding on stone. "You know what? Fine. You can see your precious mudwing again if you survive my little tests!" . Suddenly a door opened to reveal the hot sands of the arena.  "Oh no"  peril thought "I can't kill a dragon! Not even if I was one! I promised clay I wouldnt!" . "Bye bye peril!" Queen scarlet said meansingly . She ducked into the shadows seconds before a guard came down to roll out the cage. As the cage tumbled peril could hardly stand and didn't get a good look at the dragon she was fighting. She tried to focus on clay "if you win you can see him again" She was emptied on to the sand and the cage was shut behind her. She looked up brushing the sand off her to see a seawing  staring back at her. Something in her eyes looked as if she didn't want to kill her. "Maybe neither of us has to die" peril thought

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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