Chapter #5

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Peril woke up in the forest, "when did I fall asleep?" She wondered. She stood up and stretched looking at the ash spot where she stood "luckly I didn't burn down the forest" she thought "why wasn't clay with me?where is he?". She got up and started walking through the forest,when there wasn't a burning sound of the leaves and grass she jumped and spun around.looking down she noticed a bright red dress and brown mockasins. "What the heck!?!" Peril half shouted "What is that!?!?" She crouched on the grass and poked at her shoes. When she noticed her hand she got even more freaked out "Three moons! What's going on here!?!?" Peril stopped for a moment and said to herself "wait,this is a dream I know it,so...I guess I can do whatever I want!" She looked around "this looks real." She said "but don't all dreams?" Peril was walking through the woods when she found a river, "this is diamond spray delta!" She said "I always wanted to go in here without the water evaporating!"
She then jumped in the river and began wading in deeper "I can't go in too deep...I can't swim" she said "but either way this is fun!" "Not for much longer" said a new voice. Peril looked up and into the eyes of Queen scarlet "S-Scarlet!"said peril suprized "this is my dream!" She said getting angry "go away!". "Oh you think this is a Dream? Well in a dream could I do this!" Scarlet swiped her claws across perils face,leaving a trail of blood "Hey!" Peril said with an attempt to hiss that just sent spit everywhere "when I'm back to normal I will burn you!" Peril said "what did you do to me!?". "Have you ever heard of scavengers peril? Maybe osprey read about them to you before he died?"."you killed him" peril interrupted biterly "and I think so, the scavengers started the war right?". "Exactly" said queen scarlet menacingly "and what do you know about them?" Her tail lashed side to side and she had a annoyed expression on her face. "I know they have1 flat faces and stand on two legs and they only have fur on there head." Peril said "also there is theories that they are smarter than other animals and almost dragon like". Scarlet sighed slowly and pulled a small mirror from a bag around her wing, in the reflection was a scavenger face, she had fur as red as apples that went down to her shoulders and was spread out she had tan skin and big blue eyes and she wore a red dress. "Three moons!!" Peril shouted out of suprize. "Okay now you know, get over your shock quickly please I don't have time for this." Queen scarlet said agitated. "Fine, how are you understanding me?" Peril said. "I have...resources." scarlet replied. "Fine be that way" peril said "what do you want me to do and is clay okay?". Queen scarlet sighed "clay is fine he's at jade mountain right now she stoped "you'll know later what I want" she flicked something at peril like a beetle with stripes. She didn't have time to look at it before she passed out

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