Chapter #4

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"Starflight?" Asked the scavenger. She had colorful hair and was tan-ish she had green eyes and wore a green hoodie. "Glory?" Starflight asked. "Starflight what happened!?" Said glory. "I'm not sure exactly how,but we're scavengers now" Starflight replied. "Yeah no kidding" glory said sarcastically."I can see again now."star flight said."so what do we do now?"glory said. "Well I'm going to assume that clay,sunny and tsunami were also turned into scavengers,so I say we find them." Starflight said. "Okay" said glory "so how do we do that?". "Well tsunami and sunny were flying over the mountians"staflight stopped "do you think sunny is okay?" He asked worriedly. "Yeah I think she is fine." Glory said sounding bored. "Clay was in jade mountian."star flight said looking worried again."will he be alright?". "I'm sure that someone would have contacted us (probably peril) if something had happened to clay" glory said. "Okay so what now?"star flight said. "Well first we need to escape"replied glory.
Sorry this chapter is so short! I had wrighters block.

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