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i unlocked my door, excited to get inside of my apartment. it was around 3:37 in the morning and i was exhausted. johnnie had left around midnight, promising me he'd get some sleep. yet, i still had to put what i was doing to a stop to answer his facetime call.

"hi, johnnie." i whispered, unlocking my door and walking inside.

"hi, y/n." he whispered back, leaning closer towards the phone microphone.

"johnnie, i'm about to knock the fuck out as soon as i get inside so don't expect much more from me." i opened the door to my pitch black apartment. i flipped the switch and lit up the room, noticing some of my jackets had been tossed carelessly on the floor. i furrowed my eyebrows, i must've forgot that i knocked shit over. i shrugged it off and walked into my room. i plugged my phone in, setting it on my vanity. "let me go get some water, i'll be right back."

"mhm." he says, the rasp in his voice proving how tired his is as well.

i lazily walk into the kitchen, kicking off my shoes. my stomach dropped whenever i realized all of my cabinets had been opened and the contents scattered everywhere. i flipped on all the lights, searching around my apartment. i walked into my living room, seeing someone searching through my drawers. i froze in my place, heart stopping as we made eye contact. the panicked, picking up an object and using it so smack me in the head. everything happened so fast. the hit knocked me back, making me fall and smack my head on the corner of my counter. they quickly ran out the front door as i laid on the floor, holding my head to prevent myself from bleeding out. my vision blurred as i frequently went in and out of consciousness. every time my eyes opened, i glanced around the room in panic as i wasn't able to move my body. i eventually gave in to the heaviness in my eyelids.

whenever i woke up, my head pounded. i sat up slowly, looking around the kitchen. on the corner of the counter was blood. my hand flew up to the throbbing in my head, dried blood flaked off as i felt for the gash. there was a scary amount of blood, i knew it was bad. the room was dark as some time had passed, but I wasn't sure how long. "fuck," I muttered, remembering johnnie was still on the phone

I scrambled to get up, resulting in me hurting myself further. I groaned, pressing my hand into my head.

I stumbled into my room, not remembering where I put my phone. "johnnie?" I called, my voice raspy and panicked.

"y/n? are you okay? why were you gone for so long?" I heard rustling on the other side of my room through a speaker. I quickly picked up my phone off the floor.

"i- uh," I stuttered, the pain becoming unbearable. "I need to go to the hospital."

"what happened?!" his voice raised slightly.

"I-I don't have t-time to explain." I sighed, embarrassed because of my stutter. "I have to go now."

"which hospital? me and Jake will meet you."

"what time is it?" I rubbed my eyes.

"like 4:45 in the morning." he answered, confused.

"Jake woul-wouldnt want to go so early. I'll be fine, just let me text you later."

I heard more rustling. "I'm waking up Jake, text me the hospital and do not hang up." he emphasized.

"i-" I began to protest, deciding against it. "okay." I did as he said, texting him the name of the nearest hospital. "don't worry, it's not- I'm not in serious danger, like I'm not going to die."

"and? I still need to make sure you're okay." he argued.

I didn't respond, just sniffled as I held back tears from the mix of pain and emotions flowing through my body.

"it'll be okay, y/n. I'll see you soon." he cooed, attempting to comfort me.

"okay." I let tears fall as I slipped on my slides and walked out the door, holding an ice pack to my head.

we stayed silent as I drove, not long after I got in my car I heard the beeping of jakes car. I assumed he muted while he woke Jake up.

I put my earbud in before I walked in. I walked into the emergency room awkwardly and walked up to the desk. "i-i cracked my head open because I fell and it won't stop bleeding."

the old, wrinkly woman behind the desk had a glint of sympathy in her eyes. "go have a seat, dear. someone will be out for you shortly. keep your ice pack on your head for now."

I began to panic more. it seemed as if she wasn't taking me seriously. but, I did as she said and went to sit.

about 5 minutes later, jake and johnnie speedily walked in through the sliding doors. johnnie quickly scanned the room, his gaze softening as his eyes landed on me.

"hey." I said, flashing an awkard smile before being taken over by pain once more. fuck, I should've taken something.

panic filled his eyes as he scanned my face. "are you okay?"

"yeah, just in a lot of pain." I shrugged. "I hit my head."

"how?!" johnnie interrogated.

"y/n, you have blood all over one side of your face." Jake informed me.

"shit, really?" I wiped the side of my face. I looked at the crusty, dried up blood on my hands.

"y/n." johnnie said, sternly. "how the fuck did this happen?"

"i-" I began to speak, but a doctor walked out.

"y/n l/n." he called.

johnnie grabbed my hand and helped me stand, not letting go of it as we walked.

the doctor rushed me into a room quicker whenever he noticed me covered in blood. he quickly told me to hop up onto the bed/table thing. apparently, the gash was obvious as he didn't bother asking me where it was. he went straight to work, parting my hair. the gash was visible on my forehead but lead back into my hair.

johnnie and jake sat in the two chairs beside the door. I zoned out, occasionally wincing as he parted my hair which pulled the gash enough for me to feel it throughout my whole body. I watched Johnnie's leg as it bounced and as he chewed his nails anxiously.

"you're going to need stitches." the doctor sighed, working quickly to prepare everything. "would you like the laughing gas with the numbing solution? it's much less scary." he explained.

"uh, I guess." I shrugged, my eyes began to feel heavy. the doctor rushed out of the room.

johnnie spoke up. "please, tell me what happened." he pleaded one last time.

"whenever I went to get water, I found out that someone broke in. I panicked, I couldn't run, and they panicked too. they knocked me out, making me hit my head on my counter. I was out for however long, but whenever I regained consciousness, I ran to you."

his expression softened at my last words, his face a mix between a smile and a frown. whenever the rest of my words registered, his eyebrows furrowed. "what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, but I'm not going back." I sighed, closing my eyes.

he pondered for a moment. "why don't you stay with us?"


The Night Shift. (Johnnie Guilbert x Reader.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu