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"Tara!" i screeched as soon as i heard her pick up the phone. "So much has happened. You need to come over."

"im sleeping over." she responded immediately, "Be there in 20."

"Okay!" i squeeled. it had been about 2 weeks. she had been busy with recording and miscellaneous collabs.

"See you in a bit, babe." she responded before hanging up.

i laid back on the couch and sighed contently. i took a mental step back to admire how my life had turned out. i was going on a date with Johnnie, whom I've liked since i first met him. Jake and Tara are my best friends, and they're just amazing overall. i felt cringe thinking all of this, but i knew it was true. i felt as if my life had become a cliche, which i had always dreamt about, but I never thought I'd feel this good.

Time had flew before i knew it. the aound of the front door opening tore me from my thoughts.

"hellooo?" Tara called out before walking into the living room. she smiled brightly and waved, her keys jingling in her hand. "Hey, pookie."

i smiled at the nickname. "Hi, sweetcheeks."

"So," she plopped down on the couch next to me, "fill me in."

i began explaining the incident with the robbery, showing her my healing stitches. i earned a few different gasps and faces from her. she knew i was living with jake and johnnie, but never knew the reason.

"no fucking way." she said as i concluded the first half.

"yes fucking way. scariest night of my life, and johnnie was there the whole time." i felt tears sting my eyes. i wasn't sure why. they weren't sad tears, but happy tears. i quickly blinked them away.

"Please tell me you guys are dating." she sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Well.." i smiled, "we're going on a date on Valentines Day."

"no fucking way!" she smiled, her hand flying over her mouth. "Is he taking you somewhere nice?" i shrugged in response. "Hold on."

i followed as she hiked up the stairs to Johnnies room, where he was trying to have a peaceful stream, and walked in.

"Are you taking y/n somewhere nice?" she questioned, basically scolding.

he rolled his eyes and turned his chair slightl1y to face the door. "Tara! im streaming!"

"i dont really care." she pursed her lips, "answer the question."

i leaned into the doorway, squinting to read the chat. everyone was spamming, asking who i was and all sorts of questions about me.

"Yeah, that's what i planned on." he flashed me a soft smile before shooing us away.

as we walked down the hall, tara grabbed my arm. "We're going dress shopping."

"i was planning on doing that," i rolled my eyes, "i just spaced it."

"get your shoes on." she grabbed her keys and purse off of the couch. "you should let me do your makeup for the date!" she squeeled.

i smiled, my bottom lip quivering from excitement. "i mean, sure."

we ran out to her car. she turned on her playlist. she has amazing music taste, by the way. we sang together before we arrived at the mall.

"So, what are we thinking?" i asked, "dress wise."

"Red, for sure." she smirked, "nothing cutsie. It's valentines day, you gotta get laid, and so does he."

"Oh my lord." i shook my head, "i highly doubt we'll go that far."

"Still, you have to look sexy. I'd be disappointed in myself if i let you go in, like, a light pink dress."

The Night Shift. (Johnnie Guilbert x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now