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"Godfather Wang's wound is.."










Zanjin scrutinized the wounds on Wang Yibo's body, his hands probing carefully. "No, it's not. It might look like rusting, but it's actually not." he clarified, his gaze never leaving his godfather's form. Haikuan, observing closely, couldn't help but sigh, "What kind of poison is this?" Zanjin's response held a revelation, "There are two types of poison in his body, and it's... a mix." Haikuan's eyes widened in disbelief, "Impossible! Only a fire phoenix mythical creature can mix two types of poison!" The mention of a fire phoenix triggered a realization in Zanjin's mind, "Song Jiyang..." he gasped, "I think godfather Wang's assumption was right back then! Song Jiyang is a mythical creature!" Haikuan took a moment to absorb this information before expressing his disbelief, "Is he really..?" "A fire phoenix..." Zanjin completed the revelation, leaving Haikuan utterly surprised, "That's... no way!"






The implications of such a revelation lingered heavily in the room, casting a shadow over the already tense atmosphere. A sudden revelation struck Haikuan's mind, "Wait, Hao Xuan gave him an iron-like material during the Song's war. Did he perhaps mix the iron-like material with his fire dust?" Zanjin regarded Haikuan with a knowing look, "Well, looks about right." he affirmed, reaching for the drawer. Zanjin retrieved a few pills and carefully placed them on the glass above the drawer. Haikuan, sensing the gravity of the situation, inquired, "Triacylglycerols pill?" Zanjin nodded solemnly, "This might at least help him slow down the working of the poison inside his body for quite some time." The worry etched on Zanjin's face was visible, mirroring Haikuan's own concern for their godfather. Liu Haikuan could easily discern the worry in his beloved fiance's eyes and instantly grasped the gravity of his thoughts.






"He needs the mythical power's heart soon, right? I know you can't bear Zhan and worry about him, but-" Haikuan began, concern etched on his face. "That's not the main problem, A-kuan." Zanjin interrupted, sighing and look away. He took a brief pause before continuing, "Godfather Wang needs the heart of a snow phoenix. Only the freezing heart of it can cure him, but we all know that there are only a few of these creatures in this world." he explained, "And we don't even know what mythical creature Zhan is." The uncertainty about Zhan's true nature added another layer of complexity to an already dire situation. Although Zhan had once transformed into his true form, it was still not clear enough to discern what mythical creature he might be. The only distinct features they observed were bright white coloring and shiny wings.






These characteristics could potentially correspond to multiple mythical creatures like Xuehuang, Guanglong, Bingbao, Yutu, and the most legendary one, Baishe. However, there was only one known Baishe in the world, the immortal white snake spirit, Bai Suzhen, who likely resided in the heavenly realm. Therefore, normal individuals, even those deeply connected to the mafia underworld, wouldn't have the chance to encounter her. As in conclusion, Xiao Zhan is definitely not Baishe. Well, Bingbao and Yutu don't have wings, so Zhan would likely be either Xuehuang or Guanglong. Waiting for two years might not be a significant period for a mafia-blooded person who could live for thousands of years. Slowly, Wang Yibo wakes up and rubs his eyes. "Godfather Wang?" Both Zanjin and Haikuan call out in unison. Haikuan gently helps Wang Yibo sit up, guiding him to a comfortable position, "Godfather Wang, how do you feel? Are you getting better?"

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