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Xiao Zhan slowly emerged from the depths of unconsciousness, his vision initially blurred as he adjusted to the waking world. Rubbing his eyes and blinking, he felt a twinge of disorientation. As clarity gradually returned, he glanced to his side, uncertainty etching his features. "Yibo-ge?" he murmured in his thoughts, his gaze falling upon Wang Yibo, who seemed to be lost in his own dream world. Remembering the events leading up to his unconsciousness, Zhan instinctively looked away, a complex array of emotions flickering across his expression. With a cautious movement, he began to shift his body upward, feeling a dull ache that served as a reminder of the recent ordeal. Gazing upward for a moment, Xiao Zhan stretched his head, closing his eyes as if seeking comfort in the simple act of physical relief. The room remained silent.




(Xiao Zhan)

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(Xiao Zhan)




Xiao Zhan, despite the lingering pain, mustered the determination to get off the bed. He winced and let out a small whine as his feet touched the fluffy black carpet, a familiar feature of Wang Yibo's dark-colored room. The effort to stand proved too much, causing him to lose balance and fall to the floor with a noticeable thump, accompanied by an involuntary cry of pain, "Ahh!" The sound roused Wang Yibo from his slumber, and he yawned, casting a glance beside him. "Zhan!" Yibo's concern was immediate as he rushed to the floor beside the bed, offering a steadying hand to help Xiao Zhan up. "Are you okay? Did it hurt?" Yibo's worry resonated in his voice as he carefully checked Zhan's body, the genuine concern evident in every gesture and expression. Wang Yibo gently assisted Xiao Zhan to sit on the bed, his attentive eyes not missing any signs of discomfort. However, as he continued checking on Zhan, a subtle distance emanated from the younger guy.






Without looking at Yibo, Xiao Zhan uttered softly yet with a serious undertone, "Don't touch me." The words cut through the air, causing a momentary ache in Yibo's heart. He understood the weight behind those words, a consequence of the unspoken truth that lingered between them. Yibo respected Zhan's need for space, and he withdrew his touch, though his gaze remained fixed on the fragile figure seated before him. A silence lingered, pregnant with the weight of unaddressed truths. "Zhan, I..." Yibo started, his voice a hesitant whisper, but Zhan's stern expression halted him. "Don't, ge. Just... don't." Zhan interrupted, his eyes avoiding Yibo's as if the direct gaze would unveil a vulnerability he wasn't ready to confront. Yibo's shoulders slumped with the weight of understanding. "I never meant to-" he began, attempting to explain, but Zhan's sharp look silenced him.

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