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Ten months had swiftly passed, and Zhuocheng and Ji Li were preparing to return to the Wang mansion to celebrate Wang Yibo's birthday. "Ji Li, have you packed everything?" Zhuocheng inquired. "Yup, everything's done." Ji Li confirmed. "Chengcheng, why did you buy so many confetti party poppers?" Ji Li questioned, eyeing the stacks of party poppers. "For da ge's surprise, of course." Zhuocheng responded with a mischievous grin. "Let's not waste more time, the jet's ready outside." he added, leading the way out of the mansion.




(I hope Wang Zhuocheng is looking grumpy enough beside our aesthetic Ji Li 😭😭 Bruhh, why is he kinda cute tho 🥲)

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(I hope Wang Zhuocheng is looking grumpy enough beside our aesthetic Ji Li 😭😭 Bruhh, why is he kinda cute tho 🥲)




They both soon arrived at Wang mansion. As they entered the mansion, memories flooded back for Zhuocheng. The grandeur of the Wang mansion and the familiar layout brought a sense of nostalgia. Ji Li, ever the witty companion, teased, "Ah, back to the royal abode, Chengcheng?" Zhuocheng rolled his eyes, "Don't be so extra, Liliana. We're just here for a simple birthday celebration." Ji Li smirked, "Simple? With those confetti poppers, I doubt it's going to be anything close to simple." They strolled through the corridors, ready to add some festive vibes to Wang Yibo's birthday, unbeknownst to the surprises that awaited them. Wang Zhuocheng spotted Wang Yibo a few meters away, standing with closed eyes, his aura exuding its usual cold and dark presence. "Da ge!" Zhuocheng called out, approaching Yibo.






Wang Yibo opened his eyes and walked towards Zhuocheng, addressing him as "A-cheng-didi." They shared a brotherly hug, and after breaking apart, Yibo patted Zhuocheng's shoulder with a smile. "How's your day in Chang'an? Apologies for not informing you about the switch between Liu Haikuan and Ji Li. There's a situation here, and I needed Haikuan to handle it." Yibo explained. Zhuocheng responded, "No problem at all. Just got me the wrong person..." He shot a playful glare at Ji Li, who rolled his eyes in response. Yibo chuckled, acknowledging Ji Li's capabilities, "Well, you'll have to endure Ji Li a bit longer. He's quite capable and ekhm.. charming, as he claims." Zhuocheng raised an eyebrow, "Charming? Seriously?" Yibo intervened, redirecting the conversation, "Enough, you two. We have more important matters to discuss."





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