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Xiao Zhan awoke in a fragile and feeble state, struggling to maintain even the slightest grasp on consciousness. A soft cough escaped his lips as he slowly sat up in his bed, taking in his surroundings. His eyes fell upon Wang Yibo, who lay peacefully sleeping next to him with an air of calmness and composure. Zhan attempted to smile weakly at the sight of his boyfriend, but the overwhelming weight of his thoughts quickly extinguished any semblance of joy. Suddenly, he was overcome by a sensation of coldness and dryness in his throat. With trembling hands and a shivering body, the younger guy reached for the glass of water on the nearby table. But as he grasped it, the glass slipped from his fingers and shattered into pieces on the smooth floor beneath. Water scattered everywhere, creating an unexpected mess.






Determined to clean up the mess that he had made, Xiao Zhan gingerly picked up each sharp piece one by one, placing them carefully into his other hand. But as he did so, a sudden pain shot through his finger as it was pricked by one of the sharp edges. "Ahh!" he cried out involuntarily, drawing attention from Yibo who had been stirred from his peaceful slumber. Blood began to drip from little Zhan's injured finger as he continued to pick up each tiny shard with determination and focus. Despite the pain and mess that surrounded him, he remained steadfast in his task until every last fragment had been removed from the floor. Clear tear flow out from Zhan's eyes. Wang Yibo took few seconds before he gain back all his souls. He look to his side and his eyes were widen in surprise.






Despite the paleness of his little bunny's face, Zhan still looked ethereal and otherworldly to Yibo. His heart raced as he rushed over to little Zhan, "Zhanzhan!" he called, taking hold of his arm and pulling him close. The younger guy rested on Wang Yibo's chest, finding comfort in his strong embrace. Yibo held him tightly, afraid to let go as his little boyfriend whispered "A-ge..." then succumbing to another soft cough. Worry etched onto the older guy's face as he moved away a piece of glass from Zhan's hand and took hold of his injured finger, placing it gently on his own lips and sucking away the blood. Once clean, he wiped it with a cloth before enveloping the younger guy in another warm embrace. He couldn't bear to see his fragile little bunny hurt like this. In a gentle tone, he said, "Don't do this again next time, hm? I don't want you getting hurt." He continued rubbing Zhan's arm while holding him close.






Xiao Zhan could only whisper a feeble apology amidst the pain and exhaustion. "I'm sorry... I broke the glass..." he trailed off weakly, half-closing his eyes. The sight tugged at Wang Yibo's heartstrings even more as he gently stroked Zhan's hair and reassured him that everything would be okay. Seeing his beloved boyfriend in such a vulnerable state only made him realize how much he cared for him and never wanted anything bad to happen to him again. "Thirsty... water..." The younger guy pleaded in a barely audible whisper. Without hesitation, Wang Yibo gently lifted the weaker figure into his arms and reassured him that he would get him some water. Rushing to the dining room, he quickly instructed a servant to bring a glass of water for his boyfriend. As soon as it arrived, Wang Yibo helped the younger man take sips of the warm liquid.

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