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The morning light filtered through the closed curtain, casting a warm glow over the room. The contours of Wang Yibo's face were softly illuminated, revealing the sculpted features that usually bore a mysterious allure. Xiao Zhan, who found himself waking up earlier than his boyfriend, couldn't resist the allure of observing Yibo's peaceful slumber. Silently, Zhan moved closer, careful not to disturb the tranquility surrounding Yibo. His heart swelled with affection as he took in the sight before him. The rise and fall of Yibo's chest created a rhythmic dance, accompanied by the barely perceptible twitches of his sleeping expression. With a gentle touch, the younger guy traced the lines of Yibo's forehead, following the delicate curve to the bridge of his nose. The softness of Yibo's skin beneath his fingertips brought a smile to Zhan's face. It was a rare moment when Yibo's enigmatic facade was replaced by the vulnerability of deep sleep.






As Zhan continued his gentle exploration, he marveled at the contrast between Yibo's usual stoicism and the serene grace he displayed in slumber. Each stroke of Zhan's finger carried a silent promise of care and affection, an unspoken acknowledgment of the tranquility that Yibo found in their shared space. In this intimate morning tableau, the room seemed to hold its breath, enveloped in a tender cocoon of love. And as the morning light continued its dance, Xiao Zhan found himself cherishing the simple yet profound beauty of waking up beside the man who had captured his heart. Then, a playful thought crossed his mind, and he couldn't resist teasing his boyfriend. Chuckling to himself, he whispered, "Wang Yibo is always so handsome~ Hmm.. should I give him a morning kiss?" His mischievous mood prompted him to gently poke Yibo's cheek. Despite Yibo's closed eyes and the pretense of sleep, his voice cut through the quiet room.






"You should, baby." he said, and Zhan felt a sudden jolt of surprise. As Yibo slowly opened his eyes, their gazes met, and Zhan, taken aback, stammered, "Y-yibo... y-you're..." Before Zhan could finish his sentence or retreat, Wang Yibo smoothly got up, closing the distance between them. In an unexpected move, Yibo stole a tender kiss. Xiao Zhan's eyes widened in surprise, but soon he found himself reciprocating. This morning kiss was a delicate dance, a gentle exchange of affection that contrasted with the passionate intensity of the previous day. Wang Yibo's lips met Xiao Zhan's in a tender dance, the morning light casting a gentle glow on their entwined figures. The surprise on Zhan's face quickly gave way to a reciprocated warmth, and their lips melted into a sweet connection. Yibo's kiss carried a promise of a new day, a promise of affection that went beyond words.






As the kiss lingered, Yibo's fingers found their way to gently cradle Zhan's cheek, his touch a testament to the love that permeated the air. The room, still drenched in the morning sunlight, witnessed this intimate exchange, a silent celebration of the bond between the two souls. When their lips finally parted, Wang Yibo's eyes held a soft gleam of affection. "Good morning, Zhanzhan." he said, his voice a melodic blend of care and adoration. Xiao Zhan, still caught in the afterglow of the morning kiss, managed a shy smile. "Morning, Bobo." he replied, the affectionate nickname rolling off his tongue with ease. As they shared this moment, bathed in the glow of the morning light, the world outside seemed to hold its breath, allowing them to revel in the simple joy of being together. Xiao Zhan, still blushing, couldn't help but smile at Wang Yibo's playful action. "I'll go shower first." he said with a small, embarrassed smile.

Enchanted Tenderness [YiZhan ff]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant