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The ticking clock on the gymnasium wall seemed to drag the moments, each second stretching as the anxious crowd encircled the bin containing their phones. The approaching midnight deadline loomed, and a palpable tension gripped the air.

Seating herself on the floor alongside So-mi, Woo-ram, Ji-soo, and Yu-jun, Min-ji crossed her arms, hopeful that Jun-hee's unconventional plan to abstain from voting would succeed. Doubts lingered, but the logic was clear – no votes, no deaths.

The slow cadence of the ticking clock resonated through the vast hall, building an unnerving silence. Then, the unmistakable siren blared through the speakers, an abrupt disturbance that tensed every muscle in the room.

"One minute left until the voting ends."

Eyes locked onto the clock, adrenaline surged, time seemed to accelerate in sync with their racing hearts. At the stroke of midnight, anticipation turned to disbelief.


No siren. No announcement.

Woo-ram's sudden exclamation shattered the silence, "Hey! Hey! It's past midnight, and there's no announcement," pointing a finger accusingly at the clock.

Min-ji rose swiftly, a wash of relief restoring color to her face. "Did it work?" she queried, scanning the room for Jun-hee.

"We're fine now, right?" So-mi chimed in, echoing the collective sentiment.

Instant relaxation enveloped the gymnasium, transforming the once-quiet space into a celebration. Cheers erupted, momentarily drowning out the tense atmosphere.

Then, the siren rang twice.

Smiles faded as the announcement echoed through the gymnasium, "Participants must vote to track down the mafia." Phones inside the bin flashed warnings, their screens demanding attention with urgent alarms.

Lee Joo-young, driven by a desperate need to vote, rushed towards her phone, only to be halted by Hyun-ho. A heated exchange ensued, as others, like Choi Mi-na, shared the urgency.

"Calm down, we don't know for sure if we're going to die if we don't vote," Min-ji interjected, irritated by the selfishness in the room.

Mi-na echoed the sentiment, "She's right, what if we do die? Will you take responsibility?" The urgency escalated as classmates, their phones alarming persistently, jostled to get closer.

"The game will just process as it did," Joo-young added, resigned to the game's cruel logic.

"Guys, hold on! Hold on!" Yeon-woo's voice cut through the chaos, surprisingly bringing a momentary pause. Mi-na and Joo-young hesitated, considering the collective wisdom despite their instincts screaming otherwise.

Amidst this tense contemplation, a body fell from above, a sudden thud sending shockwaves through the crowd. Terrified screams erupted, freezing everyone in place or prompting them to retreat in panic.

The siren cut through the air, announcing the execution of Lee Soo-bin and Park Ji-hoon for violating the rules. The once-lifeless body of Lee Soo-bin rose, eyes blank and blood streaming down her face. Another body fell, and horrified screams echoed as the two executed classmates lay atop each other in a pool of blood.

Min-ji's legs trembled as she had collapsed to the ground in response to the shock, breath heavy, eyes wide open, absorbing the gruesome scene.

The siren sounded again, followed by an announcement, "Lee Soo-bin and Park Ji-hoon were civilians."

"Participants must vote to track down the mafia," the disembodied voice repeated, the urgency returning.

Min-ji pushed herself up despite her body's resistance.

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