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Mi-na descended the stairs, moving leisurely through the youth center, returning to the surveillance room after reading Jung-won's message. However, her mind appeared to be actively processing whatever information she had just stumbled upon.

Reaching the last steps, she remained unaware that Kyung-jun was also heading in the same direction. He walked out from the right side of the floor, hands in his pockets, with Jin-ha and Seung-bin trailing behind him, as always, as they made their way towards the other end.

Pausing for a moment, Mi-na observed Kyung-jun, seemingly contemplating something. After a brief hesitation, she called out to him, "Hey, Go Kyung-jun!"

Kyung-jun halted, brows raised at the unexpected call. Turning toward Mi-na, noticing her presence for the first time, he slowed his steps, approaching her. "What?" he asked, standing next to her.

Mi-na stood still, considering her words. Initiating eye contact with Seung-bin and Jin-ha, who also appeared attentive, she slowly shook her head. "No, never mind," she finally said, turning away and continuing toward the surveillance room.

Kyung-jun narrowed his eyes, a mix of confusion and annoyance clouding his expression. Watching her leave after she was the one to make him stop only deepened his confusion. "The fuck..." he mumbled quietly.


Reconfined within the cramped space of the surveillance room, impatience swelled with each passing second as Jung-won prepared to unveil her accomplishments during the past hours.

Min-ji positioned herself between Eun-chan and Mi-na, her eyes anxiously fixed on the screen before Jung-won, who was seated before them. Though she noticed Mi-na occasionally staring at her from the corner of her eye, Min-ji remained focused on the forthcoming footage.

"It's done," Jung-won announced, eliciting a collective response as everyone took a step forward, their expressions revealing a blend of surprise and anticipation that permeated the room.

The security footage materialized on the TVs before them, featuring an empty hallway. "The footage from yesterday is restored," Jung-won informed them. "All we should do is check who entered Ji-soo's room."

Silence enveloped the room as everyone's eyes remained fixed on the footage. However, an unexpected glitch in the screens accompanied by a peculiar sound prompted someone to inquire, "What's this? What's the matter?"

A common sense of confusion settled among everyone, eyebrows furrowing equally as they observed the unusual sight before them.

With a resounding pop, all eyes swiftly shifted towards the origin of the noise, panic seizing the students as they instinctively retreated several steps. A chorus of screams and yells filled the air when the computer's chassis exploded, releasing billowing smoke into the room.

"Move over." Jun-hee quickly repositioned himself from where he had been situated alongside the terrified students. Yeon-woo urgently shouted "Fire" in panic. Jun-hee, displaying quick and rational reflexes, reached for the fire extinguisher in the room to quickly douse the flame.

For a moment, Min-ji felt her heart cease its beating, every muscle in her body tensing as she had been standing close to the computer and its chassis. Wide-eyed and seemingly in shock, she didn't register being pushed back until she noticed an arm protectively before her. The shock deepened when she realized it was Kyung-jun's arm, positioned in front of her.

Jun-hee efficiently extinguished the fire, bringing a slight sense of relief. However, the shared shock and fear lingered, accentuated by the awareness that their lives were at risk. Coughs filled the air as the smoke from the computer chassis permeated their nostrils.

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