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One year ago.
Yooil High School.

"You wanted to see me?" Da-beom inquired with a hint of confusion, cautiously entering the high school's gym hall, his phone in hand.

In the center, Min-ji stood composed, her hands gracefully at her sides, clutching her phone after dispatching the message and patiently awaiting his arrival.

"Sorry," she silently conveyed before her attention diverted towards something beyond Da-beom.

Audible steps approached, preceding a basketball launched his way before he could react. The impact on his head elicited a wince of pain, turning to face Kyung-jun, Jin-ha, and Seung-bin advancing.

"You never show up when I call for you, but you came running when she did?" Kyung-jun's voice reverberated in the gym hall before landing another hit on Da-beom's head. "You're practically asking for a beating, aren't you?"

Da-beom's surprised gaze shifted to Min-ji, who stood with a lowered gaze, cognizant of her own actions.

Kyung-jun moved to her side, placing an arm around her. "Hey, Jin Da-beom. Do you have a little crush on Min-ji, hmm?" He inquired, redirecting his focus to Da-beom, who found his exit obstructed by Jin-ha and Seung-bin stationed behind him. "I'm talking to you, you fucker," he added in a sterner, more serious tone.

Da-beom slowly shook his head, denying Kyung-jun's words with hesitation.

Kyung-jun emitted a small chuckle, nodding in response to Da-beom's answer. His own unease seemed to augment his amusement. "Good," he responded, distancing himself from Min-ji and addressing his friends. "Hold him still." He directed them, and they promptly complied, each securing Da-beom from a side despite his resistance.

Kyung-jun's fist struck Da-beom's stomach forcefully, prompting a groan of pain and a crouch to the floor.

"She belongs to me. Got it, you asshole?"

Present time.

As Min-ji's heavy eyelids slowly fluttered open, she was greeted by the formation of a headache at the back of her head. A distant bell chimed, serving as a wake-up call that motivated her body to rouse from sleep.

Taking in her surroundings proved challenging in her half-conscious state. Blurry vision and slow eye movements suggested it would take several minutes to fully snap out of the lingering daze. Becoming conscious of her breathing, Min-ji noticed her chest rising and falling heavily as her gaze fell to the cold ground. It was only then that she realized she wasn't alone; someone sat opposite her.

In a state between dreams and reality, she muttered a low, confused "Jin Da-beom?" questioning the presence of the person across from her.


Her head snapped up, breaking from the semi-conscious state. Kyung-jun met her gaze, confusion and shock mirrored on both their faces. Min-ji replied, "What?"

Kyung-jun shot her a confused and judgmental look. Despite the early hour, his face bore the usual expressions, and he adjusted his hair as if just waking up.

Wait, what?

Min-ji's eyes darted around, her mind scanning the surroundings. The memories of the previous night flashed through her mind, causing her visible distress. Everything post-Woo-ram's death remained a blur of indistinct images, preventing her from recollection.

"What am I doing here?" she finally mustered the courage to ask Kyung-jun, hoping for answers to the events that unfolded after Woo-ram's demise.

Kyung-jun, still maintaining his serious expression, responded, "You don't remember anything?"

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