Target Acquired

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The sound of a notification resonates loudly in the apartment, the only other noise coming from the television. I look at Mitch's phone, pretty sure it was his device that chirped with an incoming text. The look doesn't last more than a spare second, before I turn my focus on the screen, the Family Guy episode capturing my interest once again, the notification already forgotten. He will look it as soon as he'll be done with his shower.

Except that the phone rings again. And again. It's after the fifth annoying sound that I roll my eyes, unable to resist any longer. I pause the episode, already frustrated with whoever is trying to reach for him, not taking the obvious not looking at the phone hint.

"Mitch!" I call, loud enough for him to hear me, "someone's texting you!"

I stay silent, listening as the sound of the water stops, then it takes a couple of seconds before I hear the sound of the glass door of the shower opening, then his muffled voice coming from the bathroom. "What did you say?" He basically screams, and I would like to yell back Shut up it's fucking 2am!, but that would only increase our chances of getting noise complaints

I sigh, throwing my head on the back of the couch. "Your phone won't stop going off!" How I wish it was me going off tonight, though. Wait, I'm being jealous over a phone. Holy hell I need fucked, soon.

"Oh." It's all I can hear coming from him, then silence for a couple of minutes. I figure he just went back to his shower, or to put on all the different products of his night time routine, so I restart the episode, the adventures of the Griffin family capturing me. It's not long before his voice is distracting me once again.

"Can you see what it is?"

Another sigh leaves my mouth, something that happens quite a lot while being around Mitch. I love the boy to pieces, I really do, but sometimes he annoys the hell out of me - of course, I know that I do the same with him, so I guess we balance each other pretty well. We always have.

Honestly, if it was any other time I would reply with a simple Do it yourself bitch, and the snarky comeback is already on the tip of my tongue before I swallow it back, deciding that for this time he deserves this small favor. He did ask nicely, after all. I shift from my comfort place on the couch to reach his phone on the coffee table, careful to hold the device properly as I unlock the screen. My eyes shift on the top of the screen, where the notification bar is, spotting the Grindr icon next to a series of messages from an unfamiliar name. Colton.

I didn't know he downloaded it again, I think as my thumb tap once on the messages to open the chat. To someone this might look as an invasion of Mitch's privacy, but we are so close that we basically have no boundaries. Every time one of us is looking at something on the phone, the other would look without asking for permission. We don't hide things from each other - well, I used to, until yesterday. But we're back on our all-honesty track, now, and everything is great. Well, everything except my lack of enjoyable fucks, but nothing new about it.

"It's Colton!" I yell back, and the only reply I can hear is an annoyed huff - or maybe he's just trying to find one of his numerous night masks, who the hell knows.

My focus goes back to the phone. One of the messages was actually a pic sent from this unknown guy, and a part of me is thankful that there was no nudes, but seeing how attractive the guy is, part of me is also a bit disappointed. My eyes skim over his features, his nice chiseled jaw, the very sculpted chest and those hands...well damn.

You know what they say? Big hands usually carry around big packages. And yeah, his hands look large enough to hold something very,very big. Yummy.

Okay, I know that I shouldn't lust over a boy that Mitch is probably getting his way with, but this girl is thirsty, and Colton looks like he could be a very satisfying glass of water. Or juice. Yes, delicious, refreshing juice. Even better. So yes, I'm fantasizing about Mitch's guy, but in my defense I have to say that given his reaction to his name, and the fact that he hasn't told me about him, it doesn't seem like he would even care, so shush, don't give me that look.

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