Jealousy Detected

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A/N: 5am, another late night update, thanks to my laptop that shut down while I was finishing the chapter and deleting more than 1500 words. Fun stuff. So yeah, please forgive me if there are any mistakes, like every time, this is not beta-ed. Why would I want someone to look at this mess? LOL

Oh, btw, the dirty bits were NOT planned. I didn't want to write more smut since we're near the end.. but you have to thank ( or blame ) DeanneAdams for that - blame her and her amazing story Doctor is In, because that made me want to write smut. And I HATE writing smut.. yet here I am, writing a story based on smut. I never said I'm a smart girl. But yeah, she deserved it for being sick and still gifting us with a ridiculous amount of amazing updates.

'kay everyone, enjoy and pleeease leave me comments, your reactions are the best part of writing the amount of ridiculous stuff I do! <3 Makes me happyyyy. I'm off to bed. These ANs are getting worse, am I right?


"Can we go home nooow?"

I roll my eyes at the drunk slurring mess that is my best friend right now, giving him a light nudge with my elbow as he leans with his full weight on me - just slightly uncomfortable with how close his hand is to my crotch, his fingers dancing lightly on the fabric of my pants, hidden under the table from everyone else's eyes. Mitch's hands on me are always welcomed with much pleasure, especially if they involve grabbing big parts of my body - and yes, with big I'm fully hinting at my penis, thank you very much. Why do you think I have a size complex, I've always been used to much goodness.

Like I was saying, his hands are always a blessing and a curse for me, but the fact that he's almost groping me in a bar, while we're seated with other people - one of them being Jason... well, that makes me slightly less excited. Slightly. I'm still straining in my boxers, though.

"Come on Mitchie, it's still early! Maybe you should drink some water, uh?" I tell him with a smile, ordering a bottle for him in the hope that it will sober him up and quickly. A tipsy Mitch is usually funny, but this might not be the right night for it.

"Got water at home. Plenty of it outside too."

I stifle a laughter at that. "Unexceptionable logic Mitch!"


"I'll tell you later," I say, whisper-yelling in his ear to make him understand.

His reply is a whispered, "You'll say lots of things later baby," and I'm grateful for the dim lighting because I'm pretty sure I'm blushing, knowing pretty well what he means. I shake my head with a grin, squeezing his still moving hand, trying to subtle telling him that he must stop right now with the teasing - unless he wants to get me off in public, which is not usually something that I would do, but I mean, there's only so much I can take.

As Tania asks him a question, moving his focus from me - and my growing problem - to her, I feel free to look back at the guy in front of me, giving him an apologetic smile for the rude interruption. I'm not that interested in what Jason is saying, to be completely honest, but it's bad enough that what was supposed to be just a night for the two of us turned into a full hang out with my friends, so I suck up my need to rip off my ears - although what I would like to suck right now is definitely something else.

No Scott. Back to focus on Jason so you can pretend that you're listening to whatever he's blabbering about his job. I wish Mitch and the others were not having so much fun, so I could ask the waiter to get us the bill so this night would be over and I could finally drop the news that I don't want to see him again.

Don't get me wrong now, Jason is a great guy.

He's very funny, and sweet, and can actually carry a conversation when we're together, which is something that gives him points. There's nothing that I hate more than a pretty but boring guy, to be honest. He's also pretty nice on the eyes, with his wild, messy dark hair and all the features of his face in the right place.

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