Rules Decided

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I'm about to give you the best advice you will ever get. Hold your breath and prepare yourself to hear this piece of mind that will change your life completely. Ready?

Here we go: if you ever have trouble sleeping, try getting a nice fuck. That should definitely help - and if it doesn't, at least you'll feel nicely satisfied. And that's better than anything else, right?

Okay that advice is shit, but I'm gonna be honest here, waking up has never felt this good. My whole body feels like it doesn't belong to me, my lower part is sore as fuck and my asshole is burning so much you could stick a sausage inside it and it would get cooked. I bet you can easily imagine the grin that I'm wearing on my face right now.

I don't remember ever feeling this good after spending a night with someone - never feeling so empty yet completely satisfied at the same time. Yes, part of my body feels uncomfortable as fuck, but in a pleasurable way - something that I've wanted for so long, that I never thought I would get. And I sure as hell never thought that I would get it from Mitch - and boy, did I get it. I got it nice and rough, just how I like it - and before you start judging, if you never had a giant hammer pistoning against your nirvana button, then you really can't talk.

But let's be real, it's not like I'm complaining. Yeah, I'm worried about what it's going to happen now, what new surprise is gonna shake my world next. The idea that my relationship with Mitch could change after this is, of course, almost enough to make me shit my pants. But is it enough to make me regret last night? Oh hell no. Beyoncé herself could barrel down my room and tell me she's disappointed in me, and I wouldn't give a damn. Uh hu.

Even if my ass feels like it's splitting in two, I wouldn't mind jumping on that horse again. I wouldn't give up the chance of another ride for all the alcohol in the world. Hell, I might even do it right now - and now that I think about it, I can definitely feel that my body is up to it. Well, hello morning wood. Let's see if we can put you at work, huh?

And that's what I have in mind as I turn in bed, my arm extending to reach for Mitch - except that I find nothing. I open my eyes then, confused by the lack of warmth next to me, and that's the confirmation that I was waiting for. Mitch is not here, once again leaving me with a huge problem inside my pants. I should learn to put a fucking leash on him - oh, wait, that's giving me ideas. Mmmh maybe I should be the one with the leash, he ready to lead me to my prize. Holy fuck that's kinky.

"Mitchy?" I call out, my voice still groggy between having just woken up and the amount of screaming that I let out last night. Shit now that I think about it, I sure hope that I wasn't as loud as I remember: the walls in this building are definitely not soundproof, and I don't think my neighbours appreciated the concert of my orgasm as much as I did.

I listen carefully for any sound that will indicate his presence, but I can't hear any, which makes me kind of sad. First of all, I was hoping for a round two. Don't give me that look, this girls has been dehydrated for so long, one glass is not enough to quench my thirst - even though my asshole is actually screaming at me "Nuh uh, I'm on vacation today hunny". Mostly, though, I just want to make sure that everything is ok between us. I've seen enough chick flicks to know that having sex with your best friend can turn your relationship into a disaster - no matter how incredibly mind-blowing and amazing the sex is.

I sit up in bed slowly, biting my lip in an attempt to swallow down the groan about my painful ass. That boy has good stamina in himself, damn it. I never would have imagined him to be so.. forceful and passionate. Again, I'm not complaining at all, I kind of begged for it, and I would do it again in a heartbeat, even if that would mean cry in pain right after. But fuck me if walking won't hurt today.

I look at my dishevelled bed and the mess of clothes on the floor, and I can feel a weight leave my chest as I take notice of Mitch's pants laying messily in the same place where he took them away last night. That means he's still here and hasn't left - unless he walked to his apartment with just his underwear on, which could be a possibility given that the walk would take literally seconds. And now that I think about it, I can't stop picturing my best friend walking down the hallway with just his boxers on, a thin layer covering his cute little ass and his not-little-at-all dick.

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