Fears Confirmed

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A/N: I'M BACK. Sorry for the long wait, as some of you noticed I started a new story and that took most of my focus for a while ( in case you wanna check it out, feel free ).. and in all of this, I'm still sick. Yup. It's been like a full month now, it might be a new record.

So this jumbled mess of 4000 words was written while I was feverish and feeling like I was dying, but thanks to this angel called Deanne who helped me and reassured me that it was somehow readable. At least I hope so LOL

I'll see you with the next update <3


Do you ever get to a point where you just want to stop thinking about something? Like, you would mentally slap yourself every time the idea that you are trying to delete from your mind would come knock on your brain? I don't mean the Oh I should probably stop thinking about it kind of problem, I mean the Fuck me sideways if this fucking shittery won't stop ruining my life every fucking minute of the day.

Well, if it happens to you too, you probably know already that no matter how hard you try, your brain is not having it. Nuh uh hunny. You can try to trick it however you want to, you can try to mentally corrupt yourself like "okay if we stop thinking about it we can start thinking back to that great porn we saw the other day. Yeah, that one, do you remem- oh fuck it not THAT again." Yeah, that's pretty much how I try to convince myself, fight me.

In case you didn't know though, if you decide to suddenly stop thinking about something because your mighty brain feels this way, well, jokes on you, you'll never stop. Oh no. You will think about it again and again, until your brain cells will slowly die of work overload, melting inside your skull and you'll become nothing more than a walking brainless idiot...like many out there, truth be told. And trust me, I've met a lot of stupids in my life, I know how to recognize them.

So, I was saying. It's pointless to try and stop thinking about stuff because no matter what, it will come back even if you don't want to. Your brain is your worst enemy - and it's an epic asshole too. And yes, in case you're wondering, my brain is not an exception, and I'm obviously talking about Mitch. More specifically, I can't stop thinking about having sex with him.

I know, I know. What's new? It's been like this for two months now, it's not like I can even deny it anymore. And still, something is different once again. You see, in these months when I thought about Mitch and I being naked on a bed - or couch, or shower, or carpet, or kitchen counter.. lots of places can become handy sex surfaces, let me tell you - well, I was always pictured his giant beast spewing me out in space. And that was already fucking shocking, because if I ever thought about having sex with my best friend, or well anyone really, I was usually the one taking control.

But nope, he had to have the biggest cock ever known to mankind, and that would be the one my dreams were made of. Wonderful, wonderful dreams. Dreams full of details.

Anyway. Like I was saying, these past days something has changed. Or, if I have to be honest, things have gone back to what they used to be. Not in that way, we're still having lots of amazing sex, even if I want to slap myself or just throw up every single time, because I'm being the biggest asshole that has ever existed - before the guilt gets washed away by the incredible pleasure he's always able to give me, over and over.

No, what has changed is that my dreams of being stretched open by Mitch and his mythical beast are now getting replaced by the idea of being me the one who will stretch him open and make him see stars. And although I've thought about it before - some fleeting thoughts every once in awhile, because what the fuck, I'm gay and he's attractive, what do you even expect - it has never been this way. Not so..persistent.

Never Enough Until You ( Scomiche )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang