Problem Surfaced

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A/N: Unedited, unbetaed, un-everything, sorry for any mistake, I will edit when I feel like it. I know it's been a while but I focused on finishing Seeing Through, and then my hand started hurting so bad. The joy of having CTS lol

BUT I promised I would update this week, and ta-dah! And guess what, since I probably won't update for another 2 weeks ( exams in September sigh ) AND I realized I got 350 followers what the actual fuck...well. I'm giving you smut. How nice am I?

It's not very long and maybe not very funny, but bear with me, it's 2am and I'm sick too. I love you all, I'll see you #soon


If I have to tell you what has been in my mind lately, well I can't lie, there has been just one thing, and that is to go on a date. Before I delve any further into this, I guess I should backtrack a little bit and explain.

Almost a month has gone by since the weirdest day of my life, and although life is smiling at me and I wake up everyday feeling more content than ever before, I kind of have a confession. In case you're wondering, no, I didn't suddenly discover that one time with a giant penis would be enough to quench my thirst. I'm still extremely obsessed with the idea of a cock the size of one of my limbs shoved up my ass - and thank God for Mitch because now every time my fantasy demands to be fulfilled I have the perfect boy to help me out.

So nope, I didn't go from whiny greedy whore to chaste and innocent girl, sorry to disappoint. But I still have a confession to make.

Okay so, remember the We can still see other people thing that I said to convince Mitch to become fuck buddies? Well, first of all let me just say that I was absolutely sure when I said it. I had no other ideas in mind and I fully meant it at the time - and I still do. I'm still a hundred percent sure that this is just a fling that will fade quickly, once we'll get used to it.

But, even if I know it, well.. I kind of haven't gone on a single date since the infamous deal, which could be normal, you know, just a period of no interest for boys and relationships in general. Except that I've actually canceled on a couple of them, with not many explanations.

The reason? Same old same old. None of them seemed to be big enough.

I guess right now you are all just staring dumbfounded, trying to understand how the fuck would I know if someone has or doesn't have a big enough dick if I don't sleep with them... and that's exactly it. I don't know. Cut the rolling eyes, please, this is serious.

You know, I think I fucked up. I thought that once I had the guarantee that I would always have the solution to my problem whenever I needed it - or at least until Mitch and I are both single- I would be fine. I could go on with my dating game without feeling so frustrated all the time - and you know I was so frustrated I was ready to shove an eggplant up my butt.

I thought that maybe without focusing so much on their dicks I could discover what was really great about the male population in Los Angeles, but the point is that I haven't even tried. Now, before y'all start fantasizing with the whole OMG that's because you still have feelings for Mitch, I'm gonna stop you right there. That's not what this is all about.

I mean, yes, he is great and I can't wait to spend my spare time with him - and yes, that includes having sex too. But that's called Your best friend is funny as fuck and has a dreamy cock, not being in love.

I know that it sounds pretty stupid, but it's not like we're REALLY having a sexual relationship. Okay that might be confusing - we are having sex, but it's more a one way thing. You know, more like I need it bad and he kindly gives it to me - and boy always delivers, nice and rough. What can I say, my best friend is amazingly kind.

Never Enough Until You ( Scomiche )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz