Act 2 Scene 2

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Act II
Scene II. In the living room

The next day

Enter RHODA and ZOEY

Zoey: So what is it you wanted to tell me, aunt Rhoda?

Rhoda: (peers around and speaks in low tones) I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be telling you this, or if you know about it already.

Zoey: (lowers her tone) About what?

Rhoda: (peers around again) While cleaning your parents' bedroom earlier, I came across a file. I know I wasn't supposed to look at it, but I wanted to make sure what kind of documents they were so as to keep them in the proper place.

Zoey: (half chuckles) How has a file in my parents' room become my business, aunt?

Rhoda: There were divorce papers in them.

Zoey: (expresses shock) What did you say?

Rhoda: (shushes her urgently) Your parents are filing for a divorce.

Zoey: B-But that's not possible. Mummy says she has been with daddy for twenty years now. They can't possibly be filing for a divorce. Are you sure of this, aunt Rhoda?

Rhoda: If you think I'm lying, why don't you go and take a look for yourself while they're both out?


(Scene fades and opens again in the same location)


Debby: (stares at her daughter who is mulling on the couch) Is everything alright, Zo?

Zoey: (in a flat tone) Hi, mummy.

Debby: Hi. What's this I hear about you interacting with Linus's nephew?

Zoey: Where did you hear that?

Debby: Your brother told me.

Zoey: (turns to George) Snitch!

George: Sorry. I didn't know when I spilled it.

Debby: Zoey, I don't want you interacting with that teenager.

Zoey: Why?

Debby: Because he's a teenager. And he's not your class.

Zoey: What do you mean he's not my class? Nobody cares about bourgeois anymore.

Debby: He's beneath you, and you will stay away from him, Zoey. Do you hear me?

Zoey: No. Stop being such a bigot.

Debby: It's impressive that your vocabulary is improving rapidly, Zo, but don't use them as bullets against your mother. Boys are bad news.

Zoey: Is daddy included?

Debby: (visibly uncomfortable) Excuse me?

Zoey: I saw the divorce papers, mummy. You and daddy are getting a divorce, aren't you? When were you going to tell me?

George: (to his mother) What's a divorce? Can I get one?

Zoey: It's not a video game, George. It's a breakup. Mom and dad are breaking up.

Debby: Shut up, Zo. Don't say such things to your brother.

Zoey: He has every right to know. I'm not going to lie to him as you've done to me.

Enter DEAN

Dean: What's all this racket about?


George: Zoey says you and mummy are getting a divorce.

Dean: (to Zoey) Who told you that?

Zoey: Nobody. I found the papers myself.

Debby: What were you doing in our room, and how did you know where to find. . . (her eyes widen in realization. She shouts) RHODA!!!


Rhoda: Yes, Ma.

Debby: You ingrate! (Slaps Rhoda)

Dean: (offended) You don't just hit people like that, Debby. What the hell?

Debby: (to Rhoda) How dare you reveal such a delicate, personal matter to my daughter without my consent? You senseless, irritating, poke nosing gossip of a housemaid! You wretch! Insipid lowlife!

Dean: Debby, that's enough! What has come over you? Can you hear the sort of words you use for a fellow human being in the presence of your young childre?  Can you get any worse than this, Debs? Can you?

Debby: (to Rhoda) You are fired! Get your trash of belongings and GET OUT OF MY HOUSE.

Dean: It's MY house, Debby. She's not gonna go anywhere. (to Rhoda) Back to your room, okay?


Zoey: (in tears) Daddy, is it true you're getting a divorce?

Dean: (sighs heavily) It is true, my darling. But I promise that it's not the end of our relationship, okay?

George: Will you leave us here and return to Lancaster?

Dean: No, no. I won't. If I have to, then you'll be coming with me.

Debby: You want to take the kids from me?

Dean: Stop interrupting. You see I'm trying to talk to them.

Zoey: Why can't you work things out instead?

Dean: I've tried, hundreds of times, Zo. It's just not possible. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

Exeunt all but DEBBY and DEAN

(Scene closes)

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