Act 3 Scene 1

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Scene I. In the gardens

A week later


Genesis: So what are you going to do? Can't you talk your father into changing his mind?

Zoey: Apparently he's already made up his mind. There's not much "talking" can do now. He's the one who filed for the divorce. It's hopeless.

Genesis: Well, I'm sorry for what you're going through. It's sad that many young people these days have to watch their parents separate after so many happy years together. It's inevitable. There's nothing to do, but hope for the best. I'm sure if you had your way, you would make things better.

Zoey: Of course, I would. (Wipes her tears) This is very depressing. I used to think divorce was something that happened in the movies, and to other people's parents, not mine, but all of a sudden, it's happening to me.

Genesis: I know you're sad, Zoey, but please don't cry. I have met many people whose parents get divorces and they still turn out fine. Not that they are you, but this is not the end of the world. I understand you feel terrible and probably nothing I say will make you feel better, but just try not to overthink. Whatever is meant to be will be.


Alaba: (to Zoey) So it's your voice I've been hearing all this while. Why are you crying?

Zoey: It's none of your business.

Sharon: She's showing concern and you're being rude to her for it. What if she ignored you?

Zoey: I don't really care if you both ignore me because that's what you've been doing since you arrived. You've been on your phones, and laptops, and act as if I'm invisible whenever I come around to say hello. So why should I care if you ignore me now?

Genesis: (to Zoey) They are your cousins, right?

Sharon: Yes, we are. And you must be the plus one.

Genesis: Plus one? What do you mean?

Alaba: She means that you are the guest of a guest, or in this case, the guest of an employee.

Zoey: Are you two always this salty, or does it come and go?

Alaba: Watch your tongue, little cousin.

Zoey: Little? We are literally the same age, and Sharon is only a year older. There's nobody little here.

Genesis: Zoey, maybe you should go back inside to avoid trouble.

Sharon: Isn't that unusual? The plus one giving the orders.

Zoey: He's not a plus one, Sharon. Stop calling him that. (To Genesis) And no, this is my house. If anyone has to go back inside, it's them. I can't even remember you two being such haters. We used to be friends before.

Alaba: And who says we're enemies now? You started this whole thing when you opened fire on me for asking why you're crying.

Sharon: (to her sister) It's best we leave her to her plus one boyfriend slash stable boy. We were obviously interrupting their romantic conversation. Seriously, with this much money you'd think she would be able to afford better company.

Zoey: (rises angrily) How dare you, Sharon? Remember you are a guest in my parents' house? We're supposed to be family.

Sharon: I'm starting to regret my decision of following my mom to this place. It's flashy and all that on the outside, but very bland on the inside, just like its inhabitants.

Genesis: Hey, hey. That's a very harsh thing to say.

Alaba: Exactly who are you to tell us what is harsh and what is not, plus one?

Zoey: I said don't call him that. (pushes Alaba. A fight breaks out)

(Scene closes)

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