Act 4 Scene 1

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Act IV
Scene I. In the living room

That same day


Zoey: Mummy? Daddy?  What is going on?

Dean: Zoey, what happened to your leg?

Uncle Bean: Who's my incredible nephew?

George: Uncle Bean! (runs into his uncle's embrace)

Zoey: When did you get here, Uncle Bean? (goes to hug him, but glances suspiciously about the room)

Uncle Bean: A while! A while. So happy to see you both. How's it going? How are you studies, eh?

George: (points to the lawyer) Who is he?

Dean: Jacopo, please meet my kids. Zoey and George.

Jacopo: Hello, children. Lovely to meet you.

Zoey: Are you a divorce lawyer?

Debby: Zoey, take your brother and get back into your room. Go play with your cousins.

Terry: What cousins? The little monsters, you mean?

Dean: The little what?

Zoey: (to Dean) Daddy, what is going on?

Dean: (exhales) Darling, Jacopo is here to finalize the divorce.

Zoey: But I thought that won't be happening.

Debby: It won't, Zo. Your father is obviously delusional and has eyes for someone else.

Dean: Oh, for god's sake, Debs, stop already. Enough with your nonsense talk.

Debby: Nonsense talk? I'm the only sensible one here. And I am obviously right. What other "genius" way for you to replace me with someone else than to file for a divorce? You want me to lose everything; all the wealth I worked for, my companies, my investments, and my position as the chief executive of our shared corporation.

Dean: And where exactly does your home and kids fit in that list? Where do I fit, Debs? Your priorities are so screwed that you can't even see the fault in them anymore. Do you even love this family, or is your favorite car first place in your life?

Zoey: Mummy. Answer the question.

Debby: Don't tell me what to do, Zo.

Zoey: You know what, Daddy's right. Sometimes I can't help but feel that you don't even love us. I see other kids my age who have amazing relationships with their mothers and I can't count myself amongst them. I'm ashamed to talk about my family in public. You don't know anything about me, or about George. You don't care what we eat, what we wear, where we go, and who we relate with, which is why I was surprised when you found out I spoke to Genesis the other day. It doesn't feel like you're my mother, mummy. I used to pretend all the time that my mother was royalty. That she prioritized her family and treated them with love and respect. That she cared for them above all else because that is what Queens do. But it's obviously all in my head. My mother was a Queen in my head, mummy, and you're not her.

Debby: I–I didn't mean—

Zoey: Maybe we'd be better off without you. Maybe this divorce is our one chance at being truly happy. (turns to her father) Maybe it's daddy's chance.

Terry: Do right by your husband and sign the papers, Debby. Not everything that's broken can be fixed and some things are better left broken.

Debby: (breaks into tears) I'm so sorry. George, Zoey. I'm so sorry. (She sorrowfully signs the papers)

Zoey: We'll be okay.

George: (to Dean) Daddy, can we stay with you?

Dean: (turns to Jacopo) Is that— can that be arranged, Jacopo?

Jacopo: Well, it depends on the conditions of the law under a particular state of residence. You can be given full or part time custody of your kids should that appeal be brought to a judge in England. If your decision is to remain here then said appeal should be brought to a family court in Nigeria.

Dean: I understand. We can work on that later. (turns to Zoey) What happened to your leg?

Zoey: I got into a fight with Sharon and Alabama.

Dean: Why?

Terry: My apologies, Zoey. I really didn't like that you girls fought, and I can't apologize on behalf of the girls so I'll go talk to them and see to it that they do so themselves. (turns to Debby) I'm sorry for saying those things I said, sis. I was angry. Nobody deserves to go through a divorce, and I hope that you can find some solace.


George: Daddy, can I go get ice cream with Uncle Bean?

Uncle Bean: If he says no, we'll glue his lips together in his sleep.

Dean: (chuckles) Of course you can go with your uncle. Just get me something as well.

Zoey: I'm coming too


Debby: (sorrowfully) So this is it then?

Dean: (sorrowfully nods) So long, Debs.

(Scene closes)

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