31 Can You Hear It?

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Hush... Can you hear it?
Just wait until they endure it.

Listening to the whispers, as we’re hiding in the shadows,
We overhear pieces of valueable information.
’Did you bring the key?’ Someone asks.
’The Key sire?’ Came the response.
’The Key to lock away all intellect.’
’But sire, won’t the people suffer?’
’They won’t miss what they cannot remember.’

And then, at once it had all made sense.
The women taken to work at young ages, the children to sweep the streets.
As the insecure sovereigns locked away the key,
A key that would save the population from misery.

’Burn the records and sell the extras tools.’
’From today on we won’t have an uprising on the loose.’

Ah, but my clever sovereigns, you know not what you’re doing.
Be careful with that noose,
For it may turn to find it’s way around your head instead.

As the most sweetest form of fruit is what has been forbidden to eat.
Tread carefully now sovereigns,
The torches are lit and the people are marching.

Toss me The Key and this won’t be so alarming.
Kneel before us and answer:
Wherefore art thou quivering?
Hath thine own hunger blinded thee?

Unable to answer, the sovereigns tossed me the key.
And so, the people regained their stories, books, tomes and scrolls, celebrating with glee.
It seems like they all backed down after tea.


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