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[And the chaos begins to unfold! Let me know what you think of the chapter at the end! Thanks!]

I groaned as I slowly lifted my head up. I seemed to have fallen asleep at my desk last night. I looked down at my desk. That's right, I had just finished writing a letter. My letter to Sakura... But now it was covered in small smudge marks. I'd have to rewrite it now before I sent it out.

It was a bit early for me to be waking up right now, but I didn't feel tired enough to get into my bed and sleep again. I lazily made my way towards the bathroom, still trying to keep quiet so I wouldn't wake Naruto. I let out a soft giggle and began grinning when I spotted my face in the mirror. The words from my letter had been transferred onto my face.

Grabbing a washcloth, I placed it under the facet and dabbed my face to remove the smudges. I looked around the bathroom for other towels to place into the hamper. When I turned around I noticed a bundle of towels mopped together in a pile beside the bathtub.

"Agh... Naruto, you slob...," I sighed quietly.

Suddenly I spotted a red stain on one of the towels near the bottom of the pile.

"What the...?" I muttered, picking up the stained towel. "Is that... Blood?!"

I threw the towel to the ground in shock and disgust. What the hell had happened here? Was it Naruto? Was he hurt? Thoughts raced through my mind of all the possibilities, but one stuck in my head the most.

I crept around the corner and looked down the hallway towards the guest room. I frowned and hurried towards the door. I took a deep breath and turned the knob. Peering into the room, I spotted Naruto, still asleep, in the bed. Naruto mumbled and groaned as he turned over on his side. When I stepped closer, he shifted again. By the time I made it up to the side of his bed, he had already woken up. I froze and stood in silence, hoping he'd turn over again and fall back asleep.

He groaned, "S-Sasuke...?" One of his eyebrows rose in confusion. He scratched his face as he slowly ran himself up in his bed. I relaxed my posture, but still felt a little tense.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked, yawning afterwards.

"I-uh... Was wondering if everything was okay?" I asked awkwardly.

Naruto stretched his arms up, and yawned again. "Okay?" He asked, "What do you mean?" His arms fell down like a rag doll as he looked at me.

"You're acting strange... Plus, you can't just show up out of nowhere after never communicating and pretend like everything is okay..."

He chuckled, "I'm not acting strange-"

"What the hell are you hiding from me?!" I asked, frustrated with his mysterious act.

I frowned, biting my back teeth together, and charged out of the room to fetch the blood stained towel. Making my way back into the room, I held the towel up to his face.

"Explain this!" I demanded.

Naruto looked at me with a fearful expression.

"Where the fuck did that come from?!" He asked, backing up to the headboard to get his face further from the towel.

"The bathroom!" I yelled back, "And guess who the last person in the bathroom was? Yeah, you!"

He looked away, a look of panic still on his face. I placed the towel down and sat on the bed.

"Listen," I began, my voice sounding calmer, "I understand how you feel... I mean, I don't know what happened while you are away. I guess it's rude for me to try and bring up a sore topic. I just wish you would have told me about it."

Red Letter // NaruSasuΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα