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High school au

Muzan had been with Akaza for almost a year now. The were happy together and were able to resolve conflicts without issues.

Muzan was going to the roof of his school for lunch like always. On his was there he heard something in a empty class room. Deciding to take a peak at what could have mad the noise, only to see his boyfriend making out with some girl from his class. It was one of the popular girls too. Muzan was furious and sad.

He walked way though quietly not staying to watch his lover be with another. Muzan spent the rest of the day alone, not once did he talk to Akaza later that day. This went on for days to come. Refusing to talk to Akaza. Akaza claimed they don't know why he's mad or why he's upset.

Akaza didn't know Muzan caught him cheating. The popular girl Akaza cheated on him with wasn't showing up to school. To think about it she hadn't shown up to school since Muzan caught them. He had plans to take Akaza and keep him for himself. Muzan had already got rid of that girl, plus Akaza is under the impression he's innocent and couldn't possibly do something like that.

Muzan just had a few more things to get before the plan was ready. It had been a week since the incident and everything was ready. Muzan that day when to find Akaza before class, finding him in a empty hall.

"Hey babe would you like to come over to my house today." Muzan asked with cheer and a smile on his face. Then again how could he not smile Akaza would be all his in a few hours. He wanted nothing more then for his lover to be his and his only.

Akaza put one arm around his waist and kissed him. Holding his cheek and kissing Muzan passionately. Akaza was just over joy that his boyfriend was talking to him again. The day when as it normally would, with them talking and spending lots of time with each other at school. At the of the day they walked to Muzan's house together. It had been weeks since they were together and happy like this.

Once there Akaza walked up to the house and held the door open for Muzan. Closing it behind the both of them, not realizing they won't be leaving.

"Babe I have something to show you, follow me." Muzan said with a calm tone. Going to the basement his house had, with Akaza following. The basement had a big bed in the middle and dresser. The chain attached to the wall not obvious or out of place. Reaching for Akaza had and halling him over to the bed.

"Do I get to see you naked is that the reason you brought me over here?" Akaza asked with a large smirk on his face. There was two glasses and a whiskey bottle on a side table. Muzan had started to pour Akaza a glass of whiskey.

"Maybe, maybe not." This response just made Akaza more curious. Muzan passed Akaza the glass he just poured. Akaza downed half of it and started to feel light headed. Next thing he knew they pasted out. Muzan's smile just grew bigger, he was absolutely over joyed that his plan worked. The whiskey in Akaza glass was drugged so they would fall unconscious. This had to be one of the best days of his life.

When Akaza was conscious again he was chained to the wall. Akaza panicked not knowing how this happened or why. He heard the footsteps, finally he looked up to see who it is. Muzan was walking towards him in a red silk dress of sorts. It was short and if Muzan bent over you could see his ass and the straps holding the garment up where loose. His beautiful boyfriend was smiling like he was happy to see him like this. Muzan bent down and sat on his lap. Snuggling close not wanting to let go.

682 words ☆
Just saying I don't have internet at where I live for most of the week unless I'm at school. It sucks so much over school breaks.

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