Chapter 1

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i was so excited for the first day of senior year for the entire week yet, I couldn't bring myself to get out of the comfort of my bed . I never liked waking up so early , I wish school started in the evening or at night that would have been a lot easier.
"Bella come downstairs  breakfast is ready" my mom said from the kitchen
Hearing this i forced myself to get out of bed and got ready in less than 10 minutes which was a record time for me since it usually took me at least 20-30 minutes to get ready.
I went downstairs and saw a whole buffet in our kitchen, mom had outdone herself today i was expecting a nice breakfast but this was a whole feast. "It's your last first day of school, so instead of making one of your favourite breakfast meals like I do every year , I thought why not make all of them" mom said
" thank you" i said grinning in response and started eating . My mom made the best food ever, I could eat it every single day and never be bored
" ready for your last first day" said dad
I responded by saying "As ready as I ever will be"
A sudden ringing of my phone startled me. "When will you be here" said Jane from the phone. " i was just about to leave will be there in a while, be ready" i said sounding casual and ignoring the fact that I had almost forgotten to pick her up.

I reached Jane's house in the next 10 minutes since she lived nearby. She came running out the door and sat in the passengers seat. We did not talk much during our ride to the school but we sang our hearts out to Taylor swift's songs, neither of us could sing and we probably sounded horrible but we kept singing till we reached school. Lakewood High , the most famous school in town even though i did not like most of the people who went there i still enjoyed going to school , not because i enjoyed studying for hours but because I got to see my friends everyday. 

We entered school and were met by Rachel my former best friend who ditched me because she became friends with the popular people, I don't mean to judge but they did not even consider her their best friend but she still insisted they were her best friends. I would be lying if I said I did not miss her , i did but the old her was gone all she cared about now was her popularity. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Rachel's voice
"I am hosting a party at my place on Saturday, i hope you'll be there" if i did not know better I would have thought her smile was genuine. I was tempted to say no but our parents were really close and they would ask questions if i did not attend so i didn't have an option.
"Of course i will be there" i said and with that she was gone . " you sure you wanna go" said Jane "I don't really have an opinion" "but all of you have to go with me i am not going there by myself"
"Okay" Jane sighed
I felt arms wrap around me from behind me and i immediately knew who it was. "Hey" said Valentino "Hiii" I replied.
Soon the rest of our friends joined us but we had to split since our classes started soon, me and Archie walked together since both of us had painting. " is it going with you and Valentino, you two haven't gone on a date in ages" said Archie , he was the most observant person i knew and that was a quality i loved and hated about him. Loved because he noticed everything even the smallest details and hated because he noticed EVERYTHING " I don't know" i said honestly since i knew there was no point lying to him "I like him but it just feels like we have been growing distant lately or maybe I am overreacting" "Both of us have been so busy in our own lives, we barely see each other outside school" i added after a pause
"maybe you should go on a date soon" said Archie. I did not even realise that we had reached the classroom. We took our seats and started painting. Today we had to paint a still life painting of a fruit basket kept in the middle of the room. Painting always helped me calm down and organise my thoughts. I thought about what Archie had said and came to the conclusion that all i needed to do was go on a date with Valentino and i would stop feeling this way. The class ended soon which made me sad since it was my favourite class, I love art.

The rest of the day was boring, me and Valentino talked and decided to go out on Friday. He was a part of the football team so I decided to surprise him at practice after school ended.

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