Chapter 4

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"Did you guys sleep together" said a voice I did not recognise " yes" I said. Bella looked horrified by the looks she got from her friends because of my response, messing with her was always fun. "Why did you say yes we did not even sleep together now they are going to bombard me with questions-" i was really tired and did not have the energy to argue so before she could continue I said "you can worry about their questions later , just go back to sleep for now" A few seconds after I said this she ran out of the room , she looked like she had seen a ghost.

I stayed there for a few more minutes and then went out of the room . "Alex,I was just going to wake you up, breakfast is almost ready have a seat" said Bella's mom . As I was sitting down at the table I realises I had not had breakfast with my family in months we were all so busy with our own life that we barely spent time with each other. I brought my attention back to the table and saw that Bella and her friends had already started eating. Her mom was bringing a plate full of pancakes, I have never been a huge fan of pancakes but they look delicious.

We had breakfast in silence, nobody said anything except the few questions from Bella's mom asking if the food was fine and the occasional glares from Jane and Sophie. After breakfast I left since it had stopped raining. I don't know why I stayed for breakfast, I usually did not have breakfast.

As i was driving home I got a call from Chris "where are you" said Chris "Hello to you too" I scoffed "where the fuck are you , you did not answer any of your calls and you did not go back home last night" He said "How do you know I did not go back home" I questioned "I came over last night but that's not the point , you did not answer my question, where were you" He asked again "I stayed over at a friends house" I replied "And who exactly is this friend, since I called all our friends and all of them said they had not seen you and Grayson said he saw you leave the theatre with Bella" He said sounding amused.

I told him everything about last night since he would not stop pestering me until I did. "So ,I was right, you do like her conner owes me 20 dollars" He chuckled "I do not like her and the only reason I stayed was that it is dangerous to drive during a storm" "and are you really making bets about my life" I added after a pause "first of all you have never cared about being in dangerous situations and secondly of course we made a bet its fun and I was right" He said "Fuck you" i said and cut the call. I don't have feelings for her i just stayed because I did not have an option. But he is usually right, Do I like her? No that's never going to happen, she is one of the most annoying people I know.

I reached home and as usual it was empty, I went straight to my room and went to sleep since I barely slept last night ,It had just been an hour after I fell asleep when Jane and Sophie woke us up.


I woke up at 4pm and decided to join my friends for bowling. "You are definitely cheating"said Aaron "How can someone cheat at bowling" I replied. He just shrugged in response. After my turn I saw my phone light up with a text , It was from Rachel, she has been messaging me since the party.

Rachel: heyy!
Rachel: I haven't seen you in so long let's hang out at my place
Me: i cant , i am at the bowling alley with a few friends
Rachel: oh okay , we can go out some other day 😉

"Grayson, Jane and her friends are here you should go say Hi" Chris said with a smirk . I looked around to see they were actually here , I have been running into Bella almost everywhere, I am starting to think she might be stalking me but she looks like she does not like me very much so that's not possible. "Or we could just invite them over" said conner before any of us could say anything he waved them over. They came over and we decided to play together since we were all here after a while Archie and Valentino also joined us. Archie and Bella were sitting together and chatting as usual but all I could think about was how much I disliked him and wanted to punch him , how can someone smile all the damn time? . He said something that made Everyone laugh, I did not hear what he said but I am sure it wasn't that funny.

"Hey Alex , fancy seeing you here" Rachel said as she approached our table with two of her friends. She decided to join us even though none of us asked. Did she come all the way here to see me? Sure, but that does not change the fact that she is annoying and I don't like her , I dislike a lot of people but she is definitely in the top 5, I don't know why but I never liked her, she seemed nice at first but I could tell she only talked to people as long as it benefited her. "How are you doing, I haven't talked to you in so long" she said as if we were friends, i did not reply and said "I am going to the restroom"

On my way back to the table I saw Bella and Rachel standing in a corner. I did not mean to eavesdrop but I heard a part of their conversation as I was passing by " what are you doing here" said Rachel looking mad at Bella "bowling" Bella replied in a nonchalant tone Rachel rolled her eyes and said "I mean what are you doing here with Alex, he texted me saying he was out with friends and you two clearly aren't friends so what are you doing here , since when do you hang out together" Rachel said furiously "look , I don't know what your problem is I genuinely used to think we were friends but you seem to have a problem with everything I do" Bella said dejected
"That does not answer my question, you know I want to date Alex and you are still hanging out with him what is your problem" Rachel said with even more aggression. "What is my problem really? You are the one who ditched me the second you made new friends and started becoming famous and you still have the audacity to ask me what my problem is , you know what.. I am done being nice to you , I can hang out with who ever I want, now if you'll excuse me , I have to go back to my ACTUAL friends" with that Bella left not even giving Rachel a chance to reply.

I went back to the table soon after and saw Bella was gone , I asked Chris where she was, he gave me an amused look and then said, "she came back to the table a while ago and said she was going home since she wasn't feeling well , her friends left with her too , but I am guessing you did not notice the rest of them were gone" he said laughing. "There you are , I have been looking for you" said Rachel as she sat down next to me. I could not get my mind off the conversation I had accidentally overheard, Me and Bella have argued a few times over the years but I have never seen her get so upset over a fight and Rachel somehow seems like the fight never happened, I was doubtful about it when I said she only talked to people as long as it benefited her but the conversation I had accidentally overheard just proved me right.

"Hey Alex , could you help me out , I am not very good at bowling" Rachel said "you should ask conner , I am not very good either" I said , she looked at me with a confused expression and said "but you are winning" she argued, not having the energy to argue I got up and tried helping her thats when I heard Bella's voice "I think I left my phone here" "found it" she said after a while and i suddenly realised how close i was standing to Rachel, I wasn't doing anything wrong but it just felt like I was . By the time I turned around she was already gone. "Strike" Rachel exclaimed and then proceeded to hug me and said a thank you . It was a sweet gesture but for some reason I could not focus on that and I still could not get my mind off Bella. I went back to my seat and told Chris I was going home and gave him my car keys since I felt like walking , it always cleared my mind and I did not live very far away.

As I was walking out the door I heard Rachel call me , I turned around to see her . "Leaving early" she said "yeah, i did not feel like playing anymore" I said " I don't feel like playing either, I wasn't very good at it anyway, lets go get dinner I am starving" she said . I did not want to be rude so I agreed we decided to go to a nearby restaurant and luckily Bella and her friends had not gone home they were here. While Rachel was busy talking to a friend she had just encountered , I decided to approach them. I started walking to their table, Bella had not seen me yet since her back was towards me.


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