Chapter 14

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"So what happened after that" questioned Jane, we were all sitting in the balcony at her house , I told them everything that happened yesterday, well... not everything I kept a few details to myself but I did tell them briefly about it saying that me and Alex said that we liked each other and then we kissed, he had dinner with us and went home. I left out the part about the lake since I felt like it wasn't something I should share and I did not really give them many details about everything that happened in the car. "I haven't talked to him since then" I said answering Jane's question "what?" "Why not?" Both Hayley and Sophie said "I don't know, what am I going to say" I replied "I have seen all your relationships but I have never seen you so anxious about any of them" Said Archie.

"It was easy to do or say whatever I wanted since I always knew my feelings weren't very serious and none of those relationships lasted very long but some of them were fun" I said "what exactly do you mean by fun" said Hayley smirking "just making out? Or something more?" She said with a mischievous look, I never shared the details of any of my relationships but they knew I had slept with 2 of them , I never said it but they knew , I guess they want me to say it out loud "we did a lot more than making out" I said and grinned as I saw the look on their faces I guess they weren't expecting me to say that "Now I have images of you having sex in my head, I need a distraction" Said Hayley "you started it" I replied "who's the second guy , we know one of them is Valentino, who's the other one" questioned Jane, I forgot I hadn't told them about this.

"You guys don't know him" I replied, hoping they would drop the topic , unfortunately they did not "just give us a name" said Sophie "maybe some other day" I replied and stood up from my seat getting ready to leave. I never told them about my first relationship because how do I tell them that the first guy I slept with was cheating on me . Archie knew, but I wasn't friends with the rest of them back then so they did not know.

Talking about him would just brings back bad memories, That I had locked away a long time ago. I did not feel like talking anymore so I left and drove home. I did not leave the house for the rest of the day and turned off my phone. I just needed some time alone.

It is almost midnight now but I cannot fall asleep since I had the genius idea to sleep in the evening. I was still trying to go back to sleep when a heard a knock but it wasn't from my door,  the noise came from my window. I slowly turned towards my window and at first I did not see anything which scared me but then Alex appeared out of nowhere. He gestured for me to open the window, I walked towards the window to open it "you scared me" I said as I was opening the window "what are you doing here" I questioned as he got inside "you weren't answering your phone" He said casually "so you decided to climb through my window at midnight" I said "yeah" He said sitting down on the bed "why were you calling?" I questioned "I did not realise I needed a reason to call you butterfly " He said which made me blush "why weren't you answering your calls" He questioned "I turned my phone off, I needed some time to think" I Said "okay" He said not questioning me further, I was glad he didn't since this was something I wasn't willing to talk about yet. I went to sit beside him on the bed and he pulled me into a hug "I missed you" He said "you saw me yesterday" I said "So?" He said sounding genuinely confused, I chuckled at the adorable face he made.

"We need to talk about what happened yesterday" I said pulling away from the hug, I could feel him stiffen after hearing that "what do you want to talk about?" He said calmly "I don't know, it's just that it's a little hard for me to believe you actually like me , I really thought you were dating Rachel" I said in barely a whisper "Like I said yesterday, I have not even thought about seeing someone else since I realised I like you, you might not believe me right now but.....Go on a date with me and I will prove it" He said "okay" I said grinning. We talked for another few minutes and then my eyes started fluttering close.


"Do you think they did it this time" A voice questions "They are wearing clothes so I don't think so" Said another voice , I reluctantly opened my eyes to see Jane, Sophie and Hayley staring at us , I need to start locking my door "Good morning" Said Sophie as she saw me open my eyes "Go away" was all I said before closing my eyes again, I heard the door close and figured they had gone out since I did not hear any voices anymore. I tried going back to sleep but it didn't work. I gently opened my eyes and looked at Alex sleeping next to me. He looked so peaceful, I looked at him for another minute definitely looking like a creep "you know I can feel you staring right?" He said in a husky voice. I buried my face into the pillow feeling embarrassed, He chuckled as He pulled me to his chest "good morning" He said and I felt my eyes closing again.

"Don't go back to sleep, we have to go to school today" He said "I don't want to go" I whined. That's when Sophie entered the room "Your mom  had to leave early for work, So your dad might come up to wake you up, since you did not come downstairs with us" she said , shit , he can not know Alex is up here , he will ground me forever if he finds out I have been sneaking people into my room , my eyes widened as I heard his footsteps on the stairs, As if reading my mind Alex quietly made his way to the window he entered through and went out, I wanted to go see if he was okay but dad had already entered the room. "Get up or you'll be late for school, Your breakfast is in the kitchen, I need to leave soon" He said and I mumbled a yes before he left the room "That was close" Said Sophie as I got out of bed , I will never know how all three of them manage to get dressed and come here before I even wake up.

"Good morning" I said as I made my way to the kitchen. "What was Alex doing here in your room" Hayley questioned with a smirk "nothing" I brushed her off and took a bite of my sandwich "you have been really secretive recently" Whined Jane, finishing her breakfast "come on we need to leave or we will be late" said Sophie, I quickly finished my sandwich and made my way towards the car.

As I sat down I got a Text from Alex

Alex: Meet me in the parking lot after school
Me : why?
Alex: just be there
Me : okay

"Who are you talking to" questioned Sophie while driving "Alex" I said simply, this earned me a few ohhh's from all of them . We reached school and I went straight to my class. Surprisingly, I did not miss a single class today which is very rare but it was the only thing keeping my mind of Alex. I had been curious all day about why he wanted to see me after school and why he was not there at school I did not see him all day. As soon as classes ended I went straight to the parking lot. I saw him waiting by his car and started walking towards him.

"Why weren't you at school?" I questioned "you'll see" He said "what do you mean?" I asked another question "stop asking questions, It's a surprise butterfly" He said , I did not like that name at first but I had gotten used to it and it felt nice to hear it now. Without asking further questions I got into the car and he started driving. We stopped at a very familiar place , It was surrounded by trees, I hadn't been here since the last time he brought me , it just didn't feel right coming here without him. We got out of the car and started walking. When we reached the location I was awestruck.

He had set up a picnic table right beside the lake, I could see all my favourite foods kept in a basket, all of it looked like it was homemade. Did he do all this , for me?, I had been on dates before but this was........I can't even think of the right words to describe it, was this even a date? I hope so because if it isn't, I am going to have to ask him out before the end of the day.


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