Chapter 8

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" why exactly are you going out with Rachel and when did you even ask her out" said Chris even though I told him everything that happened yesterday. "I just told you everything" I said sighed "yeah, but you did not ask her out Bella did so,you don't have to go" He said "I know but she thinks, I asked her out and it would be rude to say that I don't want to go after asking her put and it's just one date, how bad could it be" I said walking towards my next class .

I walked into the maths class almost all the seats were empty since most of the people were not here yet but I decided to sit next to Bella not because I like her , I just don't find her annoying anymore. She was talking to someone sitting behind her so she did not see me sit down next to her. The teacher came in a few seconds later and announced that we have to do a project in pairs and our partners are the people sitting next to us . When the teacher said this Bella finally looked towards me and gave me a tight lipped smile.

Before I could say anything the teacher continued by saying "you have two weeks to finish it , also make sure you get to know the person you are working with over these two weeks" Bella groaned after hearing this. " I know you have a date today so we can start working tomorrow, you can come over after school or we can work at the library whatever you are comfortable with" she said emphasising on the word date.

The rest of the day was uneventful except a text from Rachel saying she had booked some fancy restaurant I forgot the name off and then asked me to pick her up at 7:00 .


I walked to the door and ringed the bell to Rachel's house. She opened the door a few seconds later and greeted me with a smile. " you look nice" she said "Thanks, You look nice too" I replied. We did not talk after the we sat in awkward silence all the way to the restaurant.

"What would you like to order" the waiter said giving us a warm smile. We placed our order and made small talk , this is exactly why I don't go on dates, they are awkward and you have to make small talk. After a while our food arrived and my phone lit up with a text it was from Bella , Rachel must have seen it because her expression changed but she tried to cover it up with a smile.

Bella: Having fun at the date? 🙃
Me: yes, Its the best date I have ever been on
Bella: Is that why you are replying to my message in the middle of a date 🤔

I did not reply this time and focused on my food instead " you and Bella have been hanging out a lot recently" she said as a matter of fact "we have a lot of mutual friends so we don't really have an option" I replied and she just nodded , "Alex, why did you ask me out, do you even like me?" She said frowning "I don't know why I did that ,I am sorry" I said not wanting to tell her that Bella was the one who sent the message "no need to be sorry, I already knew you liked Bella even before you sent the message, I don't even know why I said yes" she said "I don't like Bella, why does everyone keep saying that" I said "you two are the most oblivious people I have ever seen" she said furrowing her eyebrows . We did not talk much after that but we were a lot more comfortable than we were initially.


I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell just as I did yesterday but this time the door was opened by Bella. "You are late, you were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago" she said not even bothering to say hi "you don't get to lecture me about being late when you have never been on time" I said "I was on time for your game last week" she said pretending to be offended "other than that day when was the last time you went somewhere on time" I asked "enough about me , why are you late?" She said changing the topic. "I was with Rachel, the date went well so we decided to hang out" I said messing with her "you should have told me , we could have met later or we could just have started tomorrow , the project won't take more that 5-6 days to finish" she said hiding her initially shocked expression.

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