Chapter 15

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She has been staring into space for a while now, maybe I should have asked her if she wanted to go out with me before doing all this, maybe she did not want to go, what if she had somewhere else to be right now, I did not even ask her if she was free, what if she gets mad, what if she doesn't like the food. Maybe I should just ask her "Do you like it?" My voice sounded nervous even to my own ears. She did not say anything, I have never been so nervous my entire life.

A moment passed then another and another until she finally said "I love it". We sat down on the blanket and she said "you did this all by yourself?"  "Jane helped , she told me about all your favourite foods" I replied and she nodded.
We sat in comfortable silence and started eating. I never really thought I would bring other people here but sitting here with Bella might be my favourite thing.

"Did you make all this?" She questioned while taking another bite. "Yes" I said hoping she liked it she had said nothing about the food, I knew I wasn't the best chef but I wasn't bad either, I was really nervous though, I had never cooked for anyone before. "It's amazing, I did not know you could cook so well" she said eating the late bite of her pasta. Jane had told me it was her favourite dish so I was glad she liked it. "Do you want to talk about what happened at the hospital?" I don't know why I asked her that , I have been curious all day but I didn't think she would want to talk about it, I feel like the breakdown she had wasn't just because of Archie being in the hospital. She did not say anything for a while so I said "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" she nodded, we sat in silence for a while and then she said "I..........I don't really know how to say this , I have never been good at explaining stuff" she says and there is silence again both of is don't say anything for a while but then she continues

"It's just been a hard year.......since it is the last year of school my parents have constantly been asking me about what I want to do with my life which I have no idea about, my brother figured out what he wanted to do when he was around 5 years old or maybe even before that . It's just frustrating...I have been trying to figure out what I want to do and that's not even the biggest problem...........I realised since it's the last year all of us will be going to college and I know for a fact that none of us are going to the same place...... I might be making a big deal out of it when everyone around me is going through that too but it's always been hard for me to let people go and when I wasn't there at the hospital with Archie as soon as he got there I also realised this might happen often since we will all be going our separate ways I won't always be able to be there for them not even on their birthdays" "sorry...I am rambling now" she said in barely a whisper

"No need to apologise you can ramble all you want and you are not making a big deal out of it, moving away is hard" I said "you can not always be there for everybody but I think they know you will always be their friend and you still have time pick a career I am sure you will figure it out—"
That's when she kissed me it wasn't like the last time...... this felt different somehow more intense. We broke away for air our foreheads still pressed together, I could just stay here forever. Surrounded by tress , a beautiful lake , this is the most at peace I have ever been and I am glad I brought Bella here with me . I always thought I wouldn't bring people here but this just felt right.
"Enough about me , tell me something about you" she said breaking the silence "what do you want to know" I questioned "everything" she replied "okay then umm... I play football.... My birthday is on December 12 but you probably already know all that" I said and she started laughing, I just looked at her amused "you sound like a nine year old trying to give their introduction" she said still laughing "I do not sound like a nine year old" "yes you do" "no I don't" "YES" "NO" "YES" "FINE , how else am I supposed to do this" i said defeated

"I already know all the things you just said so tell me something I don't already know" she said taking another bite of her pasta "ask me something" " don't have to answer this if you don't want to but I remember when I was at your house you said you haven't seen your parents in two weeks, I have been thinking about that and I know I didn't say much at the time but......"

"You wanna know why they are never home" I finished for her and she gave me a slight nod so I continued "'s always been like that, they always prioritise their work, they usually live in new York, they have a penthouse there , I have only visited once but it felt like they didn't want me there so I came back, they visit sometimes but they don't really live here" " how do you feel about that?" She questioned "I don't know......I always felt sad when they left when I was younger but now I don't really feel anything when they leave I have become used to it I guess" she came closer and hugged me and that's when I realised her eyes were glassy "Are you crying" I questioned "no I am not" she said burring her face deeper into crook of my neck , we stayed still for a few more seconds and then broke apart, it was starting to become dark outside so I checked the time to see it was already 8:16 "we should go back" I said and realised I did not ask her to be my girlfriend and that was the whole point of bringing her here "yeah, I should probably go back home before my mom starts panicking" she said starting to pack up all the stuff

"Before we go....I have something else planned for today" my hands started sweating I don't think I have ever been this nervous, Why am I sweating so much "what is it?" She questions, I hand her the paper , she looks at it with a curious look " It's a treasure hunt" I said nervous yet exiting.


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