Chapter 13

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Bella ran out of the car as soon as I parked, I followed her inside, she called one of her friends asking for his room number, we went there as fast as we could. I did not really know him but I felt like I should stay. She talked to the nurse and went inside his room , I stayed outside Since I did not want to intrude. The nurse asked her to come out after 15 minutes, Her eyes were glassy but it did not look like she had cried , Her friends had already gone home since Archie's parents were here , she met both of them with a hug "It's getting late you should go home, The doctor said he is fine but we should let him rest , you can see him again tomorrow" Archie's mom said "But-" Bella tried responding but was cut off by Archie's mom "I will not hear anything else, your parents must be worried, you should go home".

She looked like she wanted to say something, instead she started walking towards the exit, we got into the car and that's when she broke down. My heart sank seeing her like this , I adjusted my seat and pulled her onto my lap , She did not say anything and put her arms around my neck and rested her face on my shoulder, I could feel her trembling breath on my neck.


I have never cried in front of other people, even my closest friends have never seen me cry , I tried not to cry until I got back home but with everything going on this week I guess this was going to happen at some point. Since it is my last year at school my parents have been pressuring me to choose a career, every time we talk it somehow turns into a lecture about how I don't know what I want to do with my life, Its not like I want to be confused I am trying to figure it out. my brother already has everything figured out and he has recently hit puberty so he has been super annoying and he has become really rude but whenever I tell my parents they somehow manage to blame me instead of him , I have also been looking at colleges which is very stressful , then there are also the exams coming up this week , I did not let myself admit but the breakup with Connor wasn't easy either, and I won't be seeing my friends everyday which is going to be hard , I have never been good at letting people go. I guess after seeing Archie I finally broke down. This is embarrassing , should I just get out of the car and run home? But I will have to do it at some point, That's a problem for the future me I can just run away right now , No you are not running away said a voice.

As if hearing my thoughts about running away Alex hugged me tighter. I lifted my face up to look at him , he did not say anything for a while neither did I we just sat in silence and I had finally stopped crying. "Do you want to talk about it" He said "I don't know" I replied, I have never been good at expressing myself , he did not say anything after that but I felt like I could talk to him but I have never been good at the whole talking thing, So I did not say anything.


I thought she was going to say something but she turned away and tried opening the door, I stopped her and she looked at me with a confused expression, she looked beautiful even after crying, her brown eyes were red and puffy and her long black hair stuck to her face. I had realise I liked her the day Connor asked her out and thought I was too late, they did break up a month later and Chris told me it's because she had feelings for someone else, I don't know who the lucky bastard is but I am definitely jealous. This time I am not going to wait ever if it makes things awkward or she stops talking to me, I really hope she doesn't though, I put a hand on her cheek carefully wiping away the tears.

I leaned in just a little bit to see if she would back away but when she didn't I closed the gap between us and kissed her, It took her just a second to respond , she tasted like strawberries and well her. Her lips were warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside , our bodies pressed together , breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. She pulled away with wide eyes "you are dating Rachel" she said looking shocked "No I am not who said that" I asked "you are not?" She questioned "No" I said simply "But she said-" she started saying but then stopped herself and said "never mind", but I figured Rachel had been telling people we were dating and they would have believed her since I did hang out with her a lot the past month, she tricked me into thinking that she wanted to be my friend but she just wanted more popularity as she always did . I did not believe I could fall for something like that but I did "I wasn't dating her, I did not go on a single date with her except the one you set up" I clarified "I haven't even thought about going out with another person since our almost kiss at the school after my game, you are the only person I have been able to think about,It's like the rest of the world just fades away whenever I am with you,what I am trying to say is that I really like you , I think I always have , I just didn't realise it until recently" I have never been so nervous in my life, she did not say anything for a while and just looked at me as if I had grown two heads. Then she started crying again "I am sorry, I did not mean to make you cry , I-" She cut me off by kissing me again.


I kissed him again, that was all I could think of in that moment, I am very emotional today and even his little speech made me cry , The last kiss was very gentle but this was something more passionate , He deepened the kiss while I threaded my hand through his hair, my heartbeat started racing and I felt a jolting concoction of emotions. That's when my phone rang , I really wanted to ignore it but that's what I had been doing all day and could not be there for Archie because of it, I reluctantly pulled away and looked towards my phone , My mom was calling, shit I was supposed to be home hours ago , she is going to be so mad. I answered the phone still not moving from my position and I am sure he could hear the entire call because of how close we were. "Hey, mom" I said "you were supposed to be home by 6 , where are you" She sounded really angry "Sorry.....I will be back in 10 minutes byeee" I said and cut the call before she could say anything else. " I got up and went to sit at the passenger's side of the car. He did not say anything and just started driving we sat in silence for a while not knowing what to say, "l like you too" I said out of nowhere after realising I hadn't said it back yet.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to say it back , wait does that mean you broke up with Connor because of me?" He questioned with a smirk "How do you know that?" I questioned "He is one of my closest friends, He told me you wanted to break up with him because you had feelings for someone else but I figured it would be Archie" He said which made me laugh, He gave me a weird look and then I said "Archie's like my brother, we basically grew up together, I have known him since I was four" He looked very relieved to hear that, I could not stop laughing at the thought that he was jealous of me and Archie.

We reached home and as usual Mom was standing in the porch waiting for me, when she saw Alex , she greeted him with a smile and Invited him over for dinner, he was a little reluctant at first but then he agreed since my mom can be very persuasive. We had dinner in peace except the glares my dad was giving Alex, it was a nice dinner, He did not look scary to me since I knew him but , I still remember the first time I brought a guy over my dad gave him the same look and he broke up with me the next day, But that wouldn't be a problem since Alex and I weren't dating.................yet.


After dinner, Bella's mom offered to let me stay in the guest room but Bella looked very anxious after hearing that So I decided to decline and drove home. After I reached home I finally turned on my phone, I had a few messages but I decided to open just one.

Chris: I saw you leaving the school with Bella 😏
Chris: you finally had the guts to tell her ?🤨
Me : yes 🙂

His reply came within seconds

Chris: whaatttt???
Chris: you actually did it?
Chris: what happened
Chris: I need all the details
Chris: you know I can see that you have read the message right?
Me: I told her

This was all I said since I did not feel very comfortable sharing the details with him , it just felt to personal.

Chris: so? She like's you too?
Me: yes

I turned off my phone after that since he kept sending me weird emoji's.


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