Chapter 6

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WHAT the fuck just happened, I was really going to kiss Bella , Thank god she ran away when she did otherwise this would have been really awkward, but it was nice to have someone fuss over me , I had gotten into a lot of fights but nobody had ever asked me what happened , they always assumed it was my fault and moved on. That was my image since I was the captain of the football team , I was supposed to be the bad boy and thats who people thought I was and I never bothered to correct them.I got up and started walking out of the school when my phone rang it was Chris "where are you, the celebration party just started and we can not celebrate a win without the captain" He said "I don't feel like attending, I am going home" I replied "come on it will be fun" He said "I don't feel so good, I am probably just tired" I said , he sighed and then said " okay , but you do not get to miss a single party for the next month" "Fine" I said and then cut the call. Going to all the parties for a month was not my cup of tea but I couldn't not see Bella right now , after the almost kiss and I thought she would attend the party since she is friends with most of the people on the team.

I did not feel like going home yet so I decided to go to the nearby park it was usually empty at this time and one of the most peaceful places in town. I parked my car outside the park and started walking, the park was empty as usual. I started walking and closed my eyes taking in the fresh air thats when I bumped into someone. I opened my eyes and saw Bella. I have lost count of how many times I ran into her the past week. It's like she is everywhere. She looked as shocked as me and finally said "what are you doing here?"
"I thought nobody was here around this time and decided to take a walk" I replied "I mean what are you doing here instead of the party, you are the captain, I don't think they would let you skip the party" she said "I had to promise Chris, I will go to every single party for the next month"i shrugged "Best of luck with that, I tried doing that once, but it is not as fun as it sounds you will have to attend a different party every single night, it tiring"she said "thank you for you encouragement" I said sarcastically "why didn't you go"she asked but before I could say anything her phone rang cutting me off "hey" she said " fine, I will be there" she said after a long pause and then cut the call. "I have to go to the party" she said defeated, i did not ask why she did not go in the first place because I had a feeling it had to do something with our almost kiss.

"You coming?" She said walking towards the exit. I did not feel like going "yes" the words came as a surprise even to me. We decided to take my car since she had left hers in the parking lot at school. We reached there in 15 minutes the car ride was silent by the time we entered the house it was full of drunk teens. We made our way to the back of the house where all our friends were sitting I have noticed our friend groups are hanging out together a lot recently. " you finally came" said Jane pulling Bella to the side and Chris gave me a weird look but did not say anything. "You are late to your own party" said Rachel, I did not notice she was here. "I wasn't planning on attending" I said "Let's dance" she said pulling me towards the crowd, I did not even have a chance to say anything as we reached the dance floor.

I have never enjoyed dancing so after 5 minutes, I left and joined my friends who seemed to have forgotten all about me in those 5 minutes. I went and sat next to Bella since that was the only seat available. Judging but the glances from everyone they purposely made sure that was the only seat available . "Not dancing with your new girlfriend" Bella said as I sat down "Don't tell me you are jealous butterfly" I said smirking , she just rolled her eyes and went back to her conversation with Chris, Since when were they friends? I had never seen them talking before and right now they looked like they were the best of friends laughing together. "There you are , you know its rude to leave someone on the dance floor by themselves" Rachel said as she squeezed herself between me and Bella on the couch, Bella quickly got up and went away.


It has been 2 hours and I don't think I have the energy to listen to Rachel talk about........ something,I lost track of what she was saying after she started talking about donuts or maybe it was a dog named donut ,I am not sure. I told her I needed to use the restroom and went outside the house. That is when I saw Bella laying down on the grass, she looked drunk "Here, drink some water" said Chris as he sat down next to her . She refused to drink and made an adorable face , NOOOOO  I can not be thinking she is adorable first I almost kiss her and now this what the fuck is wrong with me
Nothing's wrong you just like her said a voice in the back of my head no I don't said another voice
great now i am arguing with myself.

"ALEX" Bella exclaimed bringing me out of my thoughts. "Come join us , this is the best and the quietest place in the entire house or maybe outside the house i am not so sure" she said and looked like she was thinking about it very seriously while I chuckled. She was definitely drunk otherwise she would never willingly ask me to join her. "Are you laughing at me , you know its very rude to laugh at people" she said with a with a pout "I would never laugh at you butterfly" I said while sitting down next to her. "Since you are here , I am going to leave and all her friends are planning on staying a while so you are going to have to drive her home" said Chris while walking back inside the house.

"Omg look the house is mocha...i mean moving" " I am definitely drunk" she added after a pause
"Let's get you home" I said "but I don't want to leave" she argued. It took me a while to convince her but I finally got her in the car. "I have only been to your house once so I don't remember the address" I said and waited for her to reply but it never came I looked towards her and saw she had fallen asleep. I tried calling her friends to ask for her address but none of them answered. I sighed and then drove us back to my place. I tried waking her up once we reached my house it took me 20 minutes to wake her up we went inside and I gave her one of my t-shirts to wear she did not argue or ask questions which was weird she just got changed and went to sleep.


I woke up to a panicked Bella . She was pacing around my room, when she saw I was awake she said "did we-" I cut her off by saying "no" she seemed relieved to hear that . She sat back down on the bed and said "what happened, the last thing I remember is dancing with Jane and Sophie"
"I saw you sitting outside the house with Chris and he told me to bring you home but I forgot your address so I brought you here instead" I said
Before she could reply her phone started ringing "hey" she said and stayed silent for a while and then said "I am sorry , I will tell you when I get back home" then she cut the call

"What happened" I asked "my mom called Jane asking where I was since I was not answering her calls she told her that I was at her place and fell asleep, thats why I did not answer my phone" she sighed "why do I feel like there is a but"I said "but she told her I am spending the day with her so I can not go home for the rest of the day, she said she did not know where I was so she thought , saying I wouldn't be home for the day was the safest option" "and all my friends have dates today, Jane ,Grayson , Olivia and Archie are on a double date , well it isn't exactly a date since they said they are just hanging out as friends but I refuse to believe it. Sophie and Valentino are together they also say its not a date and I can join them but I don't feel like third wheeling so I have to spend the day by myself" she said in one breath "you can stay here if you want" I said without thinking "you want to spend the entire day with me , are you sure we won't murder each other by the end of the day" she argued, she was right we weren't exactly friends but I did not feel like telling her to go , A few days ago I wouldn't even have considered letting her stay but now I kinda want her to. "Yes, and I wont murder you as long as you don't try killing me" i said grinning "Deal" she said and my grin widened.

"So,what are we having for breakfast?" She said jumping off the bed


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