Chapter 11

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Bella literally ran out the door as soon as we finished . The last thirty minutes were very awkward, I should not have kissed her but in that moment that was all I could think about. Why did I have to tell her I met Rachel after the date when in reality I haven't even talked to her since then and as if on cue Rachel messaged me in that exact moment.

Rachel: I really enjoyed our last date so I thought maybe we should go on another
Rachel: will you go out with me? 😉
Me: yeah sure
Rachel: great, I will see you tomorrow 😘

I have never really liked Rachel but our last date was not that bad so I think this might be fun and I need to get my mind off Bella so this might help.


"Where have you been" said Chris as I sat next to him at the lunch table. "In class?" I said "I know that , I meant why aren't you answering any of your texts" He said "my phone died" I replied "Hiii" said Sophie as she sat down on the other side or Chris soon everyone else came to the table even Rachel decided to leave her so called friends and sit with us today , she got a lot of glares from Bella's friends but Bella did not even look at her she was busy talking to Connor , they have been very friendly lately . "Oh my god, Connor just asked Bella out" Exclaimed Hayley "could you say that a little louder, I don't think the people over there heard you" Bella said pointing to a random table a little far from ours "don't worry, we heard so are you going to say yes or no" said a boy sitting at the table Bella pointed at, now all the eyes in the cafeteria were on our table.

"Yes" she said and the entire cafeteria started cheering like we had just won the most difficult game of our lives. Connor smiled at her and she blushed.

How can Connor make her blush, he's not that charming, He just looks very annoying right now I feel like punching him , but why do I want to punch him? He is one of my best friends . He is good looking and funny and athletic, how have I never realised this before , He is the ideal boyfriend everyone wants no wonder Bella said yes but that does not justify the fact that she barely knows him they have been friends for just 2 weeks.....

"Alex" Rachel said shaking me out of my thoughts "hmm" I replied "you look tensed" she said "I am fine, do you want to get out of here" I said getting up "yeah" she replied following me out. "I don't really have feelings for you , I just wanted to tell you that so that you don't think I am leading you on" I said as we walked out of the building "Relax, we don't have to start dating like I said last time I am okay with just being friends" She replied "okay so now that we got that sorted , where do you want to go" I said as we approached the car "Let's go to Alinea it's nearby and has really good food" she said "okay" I replied

I spent 2 hours with Rachel and I actually had fun, I don't know why I didn't like her , except the argument I once over heard but other than that she has always been nice to me and I don't know the whole story so maybe she wasn't wrong and I just heard a part of the argument.


"Where were you , I have been trying to call you" Said mom as I entered the house "I did not know you were coming back today" I said "I will be here for the entire month" she said smiling "I have not seen you for so long you look all grown up" she added "yeah, It's nice to see you too" I said forcing a smile. "Where is dad?" I asked "He will be back tomorrow, he is also staying home for the month" she said walking towards the kitchen. "We thought we haven't spent a lot of time with you lately , so we are going to spend the next month doing everything together, we can go see a movie or to a restaurant whatever you want" she said , I just nodded and started heading towards my room.


The next two weeks we went to every restaurant and saw all the movies, we even cooked together sometimes, these two weeks were fun , we felt like a normal family but then they said they had to get back to work early and did not stay the entire month.  I was not even surprised they did this very often but I'd be lying if I said, It did not make my heart break to see them choose their work over me AGAIN.

"What are you thinking about" said Chris as he parked the car outside the school. "Nothing" I replied getting out of the car. "So you wanna hang out today or are you going out with your parents again" Said Chris "they left yesterday" I replied "oh" was all he said, he was the only person who knew about my parents always leaving but even he did not know the entire story. "You wanna come over then" He asked "yeah, sure" I replied

"Hey" said Rachel as she approached us "Hii" I replied . Rachel and I are starting to become friends, she is a nice person I don't even remember why I didn't like her. "You did not answer my texts" she said as we walked inside the building " He never replies on time , sometimes it takes him 2-3 days to text back" Chris said "Hey guys , I haven't seen you for a while" Said Connor walking towards us "yeah well, you have been a little preoccupied with your girlfriend" Said Chris "Not you too, It's not like we are together all the time" Connor replied "Relax, I was just messing with you" Chris replied

We started walking towards our classes and that's when I saw Bella, I haven't seen her in a while. "Hey, babe" said Connor as he saw her , she turned towards him and smiled "Heyy" she said going towards him and the kissing him "There are other people here too" Said Chris "don't worry I haven't forgotten you" she said hugging Chris, Bella and Chris have become a lot closer since she started dating Connor. She looked towards me but then she saw Rachel who gave her a weird look which made Bella turn away.


"So today we will be learning how to-" the teacher tried saying but was interrupted by someone walking into class "Bella, you finally decided to join us" she said as Bella walked in and sat down next to me as it was the only seat available "wasn't planning to but did not really have an option" she mumbled as she sat down "what do you mean did not have an option?" I asked "Connor , Jane , Hayley ,Sophie and Archie made a bet that I won't attend all the classes this week, they were right but if they lose the bet I Win a hundred bucks and they don't get to lecture me about not attending classes" she whispered "When was the last time you attended all your classes?" I questioned , she did not reply for a while and then said "I don't even remember"

"Finally It's lunch, the classes feel a lot longer today" Said Grayson as we sat down. "We haven't gone out in a while, we should go see a movie" Said Hayley "That sounds like fun, Let's goooo" Replied Bella.


"Which movie are we watching" I asked as we entered the theatre "The one with the Zombies" Replied Bella as she went to sit next to Connor. I could not pay much attention to the movie since Bella and Connor did not stop talking, I am honestly surprised they haven't started making out yet.

"Switch seats with me" I told Chris during the interval "You finally realised you are jealous?" He said chuckling "I am not jealous of Connor, I am just tired of the constant talking" I replied "No need to come up with excuses, anybody can see you are jealous, you looked like you wanted to punch him when he asked her out" He said moving from the seat , I did not bother to reply and sat down.

Am I jealous? I don't think so , I just wanted to punch him because he's annoying, And why would I ever be jealous of him I thought to myself


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