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The whole world of duplicates was in complete chaos as the controlled soldiers and people were destroying everything they lay their hands on. Dr Edward, Lisa , Lis Tyler 1 and I took shelter behind an upside down vehicle. "What do we do now? We can't just watch them destroy everything and kill everyone", Lisa said. "You're right but what can we really do stop this huh?", Tyler 1 asked. " I really I've no idea",I said." Wait I think I do ",Lis said." Really, how? ",I asked." You see when Lisa and I placed our palm onto the both side of the machine where they've already made those palm thing, the machine started overheating slowly which gives me the idea that maybe if the wrong original and Duplicates who's soul aren't connected placed their palm on it,it can cause the machine to destroy. ",Lis explained." But how will that cause those neck collar device to stop working? ", Tyler 1 asked." Cause its like the ascension machine is the one causing the neck collar device to function and if it's destroyed the neck collar device can't function anymore",Dr Edward said." Great we now know how to stop this thing but how are we going to get close to the ascension machine which is guarded by the LORD'S soldiers in his airship ", Tyler 1 asked." We're.",I said .

__________________________________(IN THE ORIGINAL WORLD)
The LORD'S soldiers destroyed everything in their way and killed those who refused to put the neck collar device on. About two-third of the people of the original world population were all having the neck collar device around their neck which has made them under the LORD'S control. "Come to me my children. My creation. We are going to rule the world. And if I say rule the world I mean the original world not that of the duplicates cause soon it's going to be no more", the LORD said happily to his controlled subject. "Nice speech. I really like it. For how long have you been preparing for it? Am pretty sure you have also prepare your failure speech",I said as I stood behind the LORD who was shocked as he saw me." Ho.. w...ho.w.... how are you alive ?",he asked." That's my little secret. My reason here is to stop you ",I said." Hahahaha. Stop me? You should have rather saved your friends before coming after me cause the world of duplicates is going to expoled very soon and your friends are there. ",he said." Oh you mean about the bomb? I already destroyed them. ",I said as I threw the destroyed bomb onto his feet to his surprise. "You make a huge mistake by coming here alone", he said. "I know", I also said . "Get him, he shouted as his controlled people rushed towards me which I took to my heels.
This gave the others the chance to sneak around and get to the ascension machine which was guarded by only two soldiers which Lis and Tyler 1 took them out instantly and easily. "Quick get to the other side", Lisa said to Lis who was suddenly shot on the shoulder by the LORD who appeared from nowhere." Am afraid she can't and now or ever ",the LORD said as he pointed his gun at Lisa.


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