03 | Maroon

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Tyler left the parking lot and our university's campus behind him started driving in the direction of his off-campus house. Tyler and his best friend Slash teammate Nicolas were roommates. I have been to their house many times and I have lost count. I can safely say that I feel comfortable while I am there.

As Tyler was driving he held one of my hands connecting our fingers while he had his other hand on the steering wheel feeling his hand on mine made me smile as I looked out the passenger's window in the background there was music playing coming out from the radio.

Tyler didn't let go of my hand the entire drive until he parked his car in the drive away, he turned off his car and got down from his car. I watched him quickly walk towards the passenger's seat while I unbuckled the seat belt.

"Sammy, we have arrived at our final destination where we will stay for the remainder of the day." Tyler announced, holding the car as he had his non-dominant hand up in the air.

"Thank you, wow you're such a nice gentleman." I told him, placing my right hand on top of his as I got down from his car.

"You're welcome, Sammy. You deserve to be treated like a princess so I will be treating you like one." Tyler told me, closing the passenger's door and locking his car meanwhile he didn't let go of my hand whatsoever.

Tyler's remark didn't fail to make my cheeks turn into a maroon color. "If I were a princess then what would you be Archer?"

"I love seeing that my remarks still make you blush to this day Sammy." Tyler told me, obviously noticing the blush on my cheeks. Tyler and I began walking towards the house's front porch. "I will leave that choice entirely up to you Sammy."

"I thought I was immune to your flirt remarks but each time you prove me wrong." I told him, watching Tyler unlock the front door and then he held the open for me to walk in first. "If I were a princess then you could be a prince, does that sound good to you?" I entered the inside of his house first being followed by Tyler. I let go of his hand before walking further into the house, taking off my jacket from my body, sitting down on the kitchen counter, and sitting down on one of the bar stools.

"My flirt remarks come out naturally and they are saved only for you to hear Sammy." Tyler told me, closing the front door and he locked it. "That sounds perfectly fine to me." Tyler walked past the entryway and entered the kitchen and he sat down on the bar stool next to me. "Nick is out on a date with Chloe. We have the entire house to ourselves."

"Archer, keep them coming I love hearing them and will never get tired of hearing them.'" I told him, placing a hand on his knee. "I would love to see what you are thinking."

"Lucky for you there are plenty more where they came from." Tyler told me, blushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. "For you to see, we need to head up to my bedroom."

"I am pretty sure that I will be hearing some of them today." I said, removing my hand from his knee and I got down from the stool staring into his eyes. "Well I don't see why we are wasting time, come on let's go I will race you."

I looked at Tyler one last time before I ran out of the kitchen quickly making my way upstairs to his bedroom. I heard Tyler's footsteps right behind me. I opened his bedroom door and I walked into his bedroom leaving the door open. I sat down on his bed, patiently waiting for Tyler to come into his bedroom.

Soon enough, Tyler appeared in the doorway with a smirk on his lips. He walked inside of his bedroom closing the door behind him only using the heel of the foot. As soon as Tyler sat down on his bed close to me. He leaned forward placing his lips against mine kissing me passionately. My response was kissing him back, loving the way his lips were moving against mine.

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