13 | Golden girl

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"There is the golden girl, come here so I can give you a birthday hug Sammy." Tyler told me, looking at me while Chloe and I made our way towards Nick and him.

As that sentence left Tyler's lips, Chloe unwrapped her arm from my shoulders. Chloe and I made eye contact with each other, I took notice how my best friend was already looking at me with a wide smile on her face. She nodded her head towards Tyler, it was a simple movement that I knew the meaning without having to share any words with each other.

Without having a sincere care, I ran towards Tyler leaving my best friend's side. The closer I got towards him, the clearer I saw a wide smile forming in his lips making his double dimples on both of his cheeks. An interesting fact back when Tyler and I met for the first time the first thing I saw about him was his double dimples since then they are my favorite features about him, his lips are coming second. Who knew that my favorite thing about Tyler would be his dimples.

I ran into Tyler's open arms, feeling his familiar embrace against my chest as he surrounded his arms around me. I felt him softly placing his chin on the top of my head while I felt his heart beating like a familiar song playing making its way into my ear. Tyler's arms are the only ones that I feel protective and cared for with every ounce of my body. When I am surrounded by the company of Chloe and Nick, I don't feel the need to keep any distance from Tyler. Because they know our friendship dynamic works and they will never judge us.

"Hey dimples boy, thank you for the birthday's wishes and the hug." I thanked him, lifting my head from his chest , giving him a kiss on his cheek, then I looked deeply into his eyes that appeared like light blue when the sunlight hit his eyes.

"You're welcome birthday girl. Are you ready to see what Chloe, Nick and I have planned for your birthday?" Tyler asked me, looking down at me as he smiled bright.

"Yes I am super ready and excited to see what you guys have planned for me today." I replied to his question without looking away from his eyes and matched his smile.

"That's all I needed to hear, let's go we have an exciting evening waiting for us Sammy." Tyler said, smiling even wider at my response then he unwrapped his arms from my body. I looked at him one last time while I separated my body from his. I looked away from him, starting to walk towards Chloe and Nick.

"Hello Nick, how are you doing today?" I greeted him, standing beside his girlfriend and looking at him.

"Happy twenty one birthday Samantha, I hope that you ended up loving everything that the three of us have planned for you." Nick looked at me, wishing me a happy birthday with a smile on his lips. "Even on your birthday you don't forget to ask me how I am doing. To answer your question, I am doing amazing today. Thank you for asking me, I would ask you the same question but I have a feeling that you're having a good day so far."

"Thank you so much Nick." I thanked him, showing him a smile. "Instead of standing here while we are talking about my birthday's plans. Here is a suggestion, why don't we leave this parking lot to show me what the three of you have planned for your birthday today."

"You're welcome, Samanatha." Nick told me, letting out a small laugh at my suggestion. "Tyler and Chloe you know, the birthday girl here is correct. We should get to our first destination for Samantha's birthday celebration. I will drive."


"The birthday's girl enters first, those are the rules." Tyler told me, holding the right backseat's door open for me just like a gentleman would do.

"Well thank you so much Archer, Am getting the princess treatment once again today?" I asked him, getting inside of Nick's car, behind me I heard the door behind closed then Tyler appeared on my side. "Who made up those rules?"

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