16 | Drunk encounters

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I walked out from the girls dorm building dressed in a white skin, light blue sweater paired with my black ankle combat boots. I had an overnight bag over my shoulder just in case I wanted to sleepover at Nick and Tyler's house after the small gathering was over. I hopped inside of my car, placing the bag on the passenger's seat. Using the rear view mirror I checked there wasn't another car coming then I pulled out from the parking spot.

I left the parking lot behind me, exiting from the university's campus driving towards Tyler and Nick's off campus house. I turned on the radio, putting it in scan when I was waiting for a red light to turn green because I couldn't bear the silence surrounding me. I retrieved my phone from inside of my bag then I unlocked my phone and sent a quick one text message to my best friend. I started driving again once I noticed that the light had turned green leaving my phone on the passenger's seat next to my bag.

Ten minutes later, I pulled into the familiar street where Tyler and Nick's off campus is located. I pulled to their house, parking my car in the driveway in front of the garage next to Tyler's car. I turned off the engine of my car, picking up my phone and bag from the passenger's seat. I hopped down from my car, making sure to lock my car while I made my way towards the front porch.

Soon as I stepped on the ground of the front porch, the front door opened revealing my best friend Chloe with her hand on the door knob behind her I could hear some type of music playing. Once she saw me a smile appeared on her lips, letting go of the door knob and she began walking towards me.

"I am so glad that you are here Samantha." My best friend told me, sounding happy to see me as she gave me a hug that I needed. It didn't take me to respond to her hug placing my arms softly around her, smiling brightly.

"I am glad to be here too Chloe." I told her sharing the same feeling as her. A few seconds later had passed until Chloe and I pulled away from each other ending our hug.

"You can give me your bag, car keys and phone. I will take them to Tyler's room while you go and serve yourself something if you want." Chloe offered it, pointing at the bag over my shoulder and looking at me.

"That would be fantastic, thank you my best friend." I thanked my best friend, took off my bag over my shoulder then I gave it to her along with the car keys and my phone.

"You're welcome Samantha, I will be right back on your side in no time." Chloe told me as we entered the inside of the house making sure to close the door behind us.

"See you soon Chloe." I told her before we temporally went our different ways. Chloe went to Tyler's room to drop off my things. I walked towards the kitchen to serve myself something to drink to help me numb the pain that I am currently feeling.


"Samantha, I think you should stop drinking alcohol at least for a while and drink some water instead." Chloe suggested, walking right behind me as we walked inside from the outside area. "Also, you need to slow down and please don't wander off again. I am starting to have a hard time keeping track of you."

"It's okay, I know when to stop drinking so don't worry about me." I told her, seeing a little blurry for a few seconds before my eyesight returned back to normal. I successfully walked into the kitchen without bumping into anyone or without tripping or falling. "Oh, I am sorry my best friend!"

"Hello Sammy, it's a surprise to see you here, I didn't know that you were going to be here. I thought you were visiting your mother and sister for the weekend." I heard Tyler's voice speaking from behind me as I finished serving myself another drink in a red solo cup. I had lost count of the many drinks I have served myself. The only thing that I knew was that it must be a lot for the reason that I am starting to feel the effects of getting drunk.

"That was the plan, however the plans changed and now I am here. Having a good time at your small gathering I am so happy to see you, Archer." I told him. finishing pouring myself another drink without making a mess on the kitchen's counter. I turned around facing him holding my red cup in the air, smiling brightly making my way towards him and without any warning I gave him a hug.

"This is a new greeting that I will need to get used to but I love it." Tyler told me, placing his hands on my waist holding up my weight. "I am happy to see you too Sammy."

"Ty, don't get used to it Samantha here is drunk." I heard Chloe informed our mutual best friend about my current state. "Now that you are here, can you please help me?"

"Hello Chloe, I can tell that she is drunk. I know that Sammy drinks but it has never gotten this bad. Why is the gorgeous head here drinking so much?" Tyler asked her, sounding very concerned about me feeling his glance on me, not his hands leaving their spot in my waist. "What do you need my help with?"

"The reason why Samantha is drunk today is because last night when she was visiting Colette and her mother, long story short her former father showed up at the house without any warming. It wasn't a good encounter and conversation. She came here to be surrounded by Nick, you and I. I believe that she wants to feel better and forget what happened last night for a while, hence why she is like this." My best friend replied to Tyler's question as my eyesight started to get blurry once again. "I tried to make her stop drinking and have some water instead but she didn't listen to me. Maybe she will listen to you Ty."

"Oh that sounds awful that explains why she is drunk. I can't exactly blame her." I heard Tyler saying to my best friend. "Chloe I will take it from here I promise you. You can go find your boyfriend and relax. I got this."

"Yeah, I know Tyler, she doesn't deserve that. I don't blame her either. I understand why she is drunk and I will never judge her." I heard Chloe telling Tyler, making my heart feel soft when her last sentence left her mouth. "When Samantha got here she brought an overnight bag with her. I dropped her bag in your room along with her car keys and phone. I will go upstairs and check up on her later today"

"I agree with Chloe a hundred percent." Tyler agreed with my best friend, still feeling his glance on me. "Chloe, thank you for telling me. Feel free to check upon Sammy here whenever you like because she is in good hands."

"You're welcome Ty. I know that she is because I trust you. Goodbye Samantha and Ty. I will see you again soon." I heard Chloe telling us before hearing her footsteps walking away from the kitchen.

"Sammy, I think that you should stop drinking and perhaps drink water instead. You had plenty of enough drinks tonight you're already drunk. I don't want anyone taking advantage of you in this state." Tyler said, unwrapping a hand from my waist then he reached for the drink on my hand and he took it away from my hand.

"Archer, I am my own woman. I can make my own decisions. I don't need a man making decisions for me. You should go and have fun, Archer. I don't want you to waste your time babysitting me." I told him, my lips formed a sad smile and looked at him. "Who will take advantage of me in this small gathering?"

"I know that you're and I love that of you. I was just giving you a suggestion because you are my best friend. I care about you and I am just looking out for you." Tyler told me, blushing a strand of my hair behind my hair and then he returned his hand to the former spot on my waist. "You don't want to find out what happens to women when they are taken advantage of when they are drunk. I don't know what I would do if that happened to you."

My heart softened against my chest hearing Tyler speaking about me in a good way like you would talk about your best friend. Tyler and I are just best friends with benefits on the side. However I believe that only has made our friendship stronger. We care and respect each other in more ways that I can explain. I will forever love him as my best friend and that's not going to change.

"You have a good point Archer, I don't want to be taken advantage of while I am drunk. I will always love how you take care of me and look after me. I love you as my best friend forever and always." I told him, staring deeply into his eyes, leaning forward, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Now I am starting to not feel good. Can we go to your room Archer?"

"Of course I will take care of you and look after you. Sammy, you're one of my best friends. I will love you too as my best friend until the end of time." Tyler told me, looking back at me. I saw him smile the moment my lips touched his cheek. "Sammy I got you come on. "Let's get you to bed."

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