The Two Prodigies

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Headzo the Brilliant

Everyday began the same.

Headzo would get up, get dressed have breakfast and just get ready for school.

From the moment he entered the classroom all eyes set upon him "the smart kid" they called him, even sat in a class 5 years above him, learning for his GCSEs, he was still the smartest, the quickest to answer, and never got in any trouble.

He was adored.

But the changes began when he got home when he was sat with his older brother, leaning against him with the brothers arm sat around him, holding him tight, protecting him.

His brother was of average height, skinny, somewhat muscular and despite being 8 years older then Headzo, they were still close and cared for one another.

As headzo sat watching the illuminated TV screen he bagan to over hear his parents discussing a new creation.

"We can finally give a robot wings! Let it float! Everyone will be in awe i know it!" the mother exclaimed with excitement clear in her tone.

"But how long would it take? Just the equations alone could take years to work out, and the money, it would have to remain as a side project, a creature built over time" the father continued "if we are finally going to create another, it's going to need a name so what do you suggest?"

"Somthing simple like Headzo, I was thinking Wing" the mother replied "and about the time aspect, we just need to create a plan and work out the physics and send them off to have it be created in a proper factory it would be 10 times quicker"

Headzo felt excited but knew it would be a while before it got finished.

Carlos the Hell Begins

The moment Carlos grew old enough, they where sent away to a school, a boarding school, a place far from their parents so that their face would never need be seen.

It was here that Carlos realised how different they truly where.

All the childen noticed Carlos' off putting demeaner and their general struggles with social normities, Carlos was different and the other children knew it, and Carlos knew it, in fact they where bullied for it, hated for it.

Carlos was clearly much smarter then the rest with a gift of not just an eidetic memory but also an eidetic muscle memory.

If Carlos would do a single small task their body would remember and be able to repeat it, again, perfectly, as a reflex.

The bullying began with name calling, at first, but quickly it got worse as it became violent, on numerous different occasions, Carlos would be thrown onto the ground and stamped upon, kicked, punched, beaten relentlessly day after day.

But Carlos had watched the bullies fight and as they did they began to expect the next moves and eventually the expectations were right.

On this day when they came for Carlos, Carlos turned and faced the aggressors, tired of the constant abuse, Carlos snapped and unfortunately, for the bullies, so did they.

Carlos understood the human body, they knew were to hit to break them, to make them scream, the power felt fantastic!

But the school didn't like poor Carlos, the school wanted them gone and their parents were not best pleased.

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