It Begins

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Headzo's Great Loss

The Sun shun down, bright, perfect.

Headzo began with smile on his face, he was happy, until he wasn't.

Today was day Headzo would wish to forget!

As he watched the robot ,responsible for is name sake, he notice somthing felt different, its movements were slightly off as though it had be messed with.

But everyone seemed happy so he trusted that nothing was wrong, in fact he was excited the next robot was almost finished, he would have somthing new to understand.

His pleasure, however, didn't very long at all.

In that moment, a bruised child walked in, no-one noticed this child, they looked around sixteen, seemed mature but nervous, scared, but nobody else seemed to notice so Headzo stopped staring.

Mere minutes went by in till a scream echoed the halls.

Everyone was rushing, panicked and then Headzo saw why.

This child had be swepped up by the neck, they seemed to be choking, his brother was on the scene trying to break the child free, but in flailing and panic the animatronc tightened its grasp due to a single impact on the hand.

In the seconds the child went limp, dead, the child was dead.

Later on , matters got worse, it was already on the news and they were blaming the brother for failing to save the child.

His parents were left no choice in order to avoid being destroyed they had to fire their own son, he left angry and their he struggled to get a new job.

That night Headzo sat bored and over heard his parents talking.

"Wing woke up" his mother said "it must of worked, we were right"

"What about the workers, are they okay?" The father questioned.

"Sort of, they died painlessly" the mothers nonchalance surprised the father but still she continued "we don't need to worry, the companies already passed the blame onto the workers, we're in the clear"

Headzo stopped listening at this point, he was disappointed that the new animatronic would not come to the restaurant even though he was still grieving the loss of his brother, he wasn't dead, but it felt like he was to Headzo.

Carlos the Great Loss

Friday was the only day in which Carlos felt free.

After the usual weekly check in, they would go out to the restaurant their 'parents' used to take them to, they would do this every week as a way to feel better about the pain that they felt, every other day.

They had gone to this place enough times, to the point were Carlos understood exactly how Headzo (robot) worked, they knew where they could hit to force the being to contract and they knew how the heads were made seperate.

Carlos had a full understanding.

However this wasn't a normal Friday, but it began the same.

As usual Carlos walked in covered in scarrs and bruises, but no-one notices. Looking at the robot, stood, playing with the children somethings seems off with its movements, but no-one seems to realise.

Eventually curiosity begins to take over and they are compelled to get closer, in a single moment they find themselves in the air, choking, but they could still breath, the grasp isn't tight enough, but it hurt, it hurt alot.

They could feel everyone around them rushing, afraid, startled, panicked but Carlos was not.

They knew who did this and they knew why, finally this cult was bored of Carlos and wanted them gone but the group failed.

As the manager worked to free them, they had an idea. Finally they had way out, an end to the pain.

Held by the neck Carlos through a single hit and the hand tightened.

Carlos went limp!

Until they woke up!

Dazed and afraid.

Carlos looks around, before seeing people with saws and drills and hammers working on them.

In a moment of panic, Carlos pushes them back and hitting their heads against the wall, killing the helpless workers whilst Carlos' body contorts inwards, due to the panic, and their body looks slightly older but very similar.

Confused, Carlos runs.

They continue running and end up down an alley where a group are waiting to meet them.

"Oi mate, empty out your pockets an'a'd we promise not to 'urt ye" the leader says whilst pulling out a dirty, blood soaked knife.

"I...I don't have anything" Carlos stammers "p...please leave me."

The leader walks over to Carlos and takes a swing.

Instinctively Carlos ducks, a near miss.

The fear coursing through Carlos causes their body to contort inwards once again, revealing a light-red monster with silver unpainted wings and black soulless eyes.

The leader trys to move back but Carlos quickly stops the leader, grabbing their head, holding it tight before turning them bringing the leader in close to face the group.

As Carlos begins to understand their new body, they force a knife out of their arm, holding it calmly in their hands. With the feeling of power tainting Carlos, they swipe the knife along the leaders throat.

The group begins to run but are all hit by a knife flying at each of them, all of them lay dead on the ground except one.

The only survivor remains terrified on the ground before asking a question.

"Who are you?" The worthless person questioned.

Carlos walks over and kneels next to him.

"I am a demon and this city is now mine! Fear me!" Carlos plunges the leader's knife into the victims neck before slicing, beheading and carving a wing into the deads man chest; leaving the knife half way in, as clear as can be.

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