The Task at Hand

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Headzo's Mission




Headzo sat.

Never leaving the space that used to be his room.

His refusal to except what is, eats him alive, second by second.

"Why?" The thought repeating itself, over and over again, in his head.

If it wasn't for the over‐shadowing anger, the sadness would surely have been the death of him.

But there he still sat, given time to think, he knew he must talk to his friends, create a plan of how they'd find his brother, what they'd do to him once they did, but first he must leave his room and get on with his new after life.

As he forced himself to stand, he walked intently to the door, but stopped, in that moment his brothers face repeated in his head, shooting again and again, how he watched his parents fall, he was helpless and the knowledge that he did nothing, was his worst regret. The hate grew inside him, slowly he opened the door.

"Oh, Headzo.... how are you doing?" Luke stood concerned in the doorway

"It is time" Headzo spoke, clearly filled with wrath "we will find him, and we will make him pay!"

Headzo continued to walk, unsure of how, he was going to find his brother but at that time it didn't matter for he knew he would kill him.

Revenge clouded his sight.

Carlos' Final Fight

"It is with great dismay, that I tell you here, that after all this fighting, after all this time that I was your greatest champion, I must now utter these words.

I am sorry.

For this is my last fight, after this I will leave to face my demons" Carlos' somber tone resonated with the disheartened crowd "so what do you say, shall me make it good one?"

The crowd went wild filled with glee and admiration.

"Let's put on a show! Send them in" Carlos did their little swirl.

Exactly on cue, five large people walked in, all wielding medieval esk swords.

"Bloody hell, who brought in the knights of the round table" Carlos' is words caused anger, as the first one walked towards them "and you must be Arthur, such an honour to meet you, I don't suppose I can get an autograph"

The man continues to walk up to Carlos whilst the rest surround them.

The man takes a swing but Carlos parries the sword, to the side, before grabbing the man's hand and snapping it backwards, leaving it broken.

Carlos grabs the sword and uses it to defend against the next attacker.

The clash of the swords was magnificent, but didn't last long, as Carlos pushes the attacker away before taking a slash at the next and then pulling backwards and stabbing the previous attacker in the stomach, forcing her to ground.

Expecting another attack, Carlos throws a kick to the man stood behind them.

As the next attacker tries to kill, Carlos pulls them into the middle before holding them tight with the sword at her throat.


Carlos drops the dead woman to the ground, taking her sword in the process, and looks deeply at the other three.

As they begin to move back, Carlos moves closer.

Within a second Carlos ducks down as all three swing their blades right over Carlos' head.

With quick precision, Carlos knocks the middle attacker's foot allowing him to fall straight into carlos' sword.

"And then there was two" Carlos' smile grew wide.

The left attacker takes a strike only to be blocked and punched.

Then Carlos turns and swipes, cutting two blood soaked cracks into the right attakers chest.

Only one remained.

Carlos cut at the man's legs causing him to drop to his knees as Carlos kicked the man's sword out of his bruised and bloodied hand.

"Yes, that's right, kneel before me, victorious." Carlos felt powerful "now the question is, do you live or do you die? Shall we ask the audience?"

The audience screamed "BLOOD, BLOOD, NO MERCY!"

"The audience has spoken" their smile grew wider.

As though cutting through butter, Carlos removed the man's head.

"Thank you my loyal fans it has been a pleasure but unfortunately this is goodbye... for now at least" Carlos took their final steps, leaving the cage for good, allowing them to focus on what truly matters, the destruction of the cult and their leader.

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