On Their Tail

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Headzo's False Hope

He wandered through every street, checked every passageway, he needed to find the winged killer.

After a while of searching, he found one ginnel.

Stepping down the hidden place, Headzo saw the remains.

The first he witnessed had a wing carved violently into his chest.

He analysed this creation, having only seen images, Headzo was fascinated by its grotesque design.

The clothing the man wore, and the ground he laid on, was stained red with blood.

The back of his head was caved in, brain matter sludged out, the entire scene was just a human soup of agony.

Looking around at the rest of the victims, it was clear that this was just an act of wrath, nothing, but anger echoed back at headzo.

A woman on the ground, had clearly suffered a large, repetive force to her chest; her heart was sat, completely visible and partly mushed.

Two others seemed to have similar injuries, missing limbs, an arm and two hands.

One of which, had evidently been stabbed in the side with a blade, that seemed larger or possibly the wound had been forced to be bigger by the turning of the knife.

Worst of all, was the final man.

There, he laid, with no eyes, just two gaping, bloodied holes, etched forcefully in to the face.

The sight was horrific.

It disturbed Headzo the more he looked.

"What does it take to drive a person to do this?" Headzo questioned himself.

Stood horrified, Headzo wondered if finding them was the right choice.

These unsure thoughts proved negligent, as he knew, a person with this much pain, is better and ally then an enemy.

Headzo left to try and figure out where they'd be next.

Carlos' Kept Promise

The group of 5 hung around.

No remorse.

Carlos could wait no longer.

They made a promise, and were damn sure, they were going to keep it.

They walked up to the group of 5, the orange of the Sun rising, beamed down, the light almost blinding Carlos, but they walked, mind set on decay.

"Who the hell is this clown?" The first of the group spoke in reference to Carlos' clothing.

"I don't suppose, you lot can help me with something?" Carlos continued "I'm looking for a group, of fucking pieces of shit, responsible for the death of an innocent, little girl"

"We don't know nothing about a little girl" the man spoke, clearly uneducated.

"One, didn't say you did. Two, I've spoken with her sister and you lot fit the description perfectly. And three, thats a double negative, that means you know somthing" Carlos spoke with confidence "Now I recommend you dickheads do the smart thing and give yourselves up, so that you'll die quickly."

"Fuck you!" The man exclaimed.

"I'm so glad you chose that option." Carlos smirked.

The man walked over and swung, with a pipe, at Carlos' head.

Carlos grabbed it and knocked the man to the ground.

In preparation, Carlos' skin turned in, then out came the fury.

The man stood once more; the others crowded around.

Carlos proceeded to grab the man's head and punch him again, and again, and again.

Their hand was covered in blood, as they threw the man, against a wall.

As the next came for Carlos, they sliced, blade in hand, upwards, against the person's torso before plunging the knife into their side and twisting, listening to the screams, they turned further, and then, they ripped off the person's arm, leaving them in agony, on the ground.

Then came a woman, who found herself on the ground, in seconds, as Carlos stamped on their chest, over, and over again, caving it in, to the horror of the final two, still standing.

The first of them suffered an impact, to their knee, snapping it, as their hands were ripped, from their wrists, and their jaw sawed of with a small, stained blade.

The last ran at Carlos, not sure was else to do.

Carlos let the knife insert itself into the final's groyne.

There, Carlos grabbed the personm by their hair, so that Carlos would have easy access to the final's eyes.

Removing them individually, as the final screamed; they didn't live much longer.

Remembering having not killed the man, at the start, Carlos went over and knelt beside him.

"I don't care which one of you dealt the final blow" Carlos began to lose control "the way I see it, you are all equally responsible, and after having seen her sister cry, I can't let any of you live, and I can't let any of you die, painlessly"

With the man still breathing, Carlos begins to carve, slowly.

Carlos leans in, speaking to the man's ear.

"Feel it, feel the pain. This pain is me, I told the her sister that I would make sure you lot suffered. So feel it." Carlos lost it.

Holding tightly onto the man's left ear, Carlos rips.

Knelt there, just staring at the man, Carlos grabs the man's face and slams it on the ground repeatedly.

Carlos doesn't stop, until the man's brain matter soaks into the cracks, Carlos put into the concrete.

Carlos just stands there.

Fury consumed, they walk.

Carlos kept their promise.

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